Frustration builds …
Had a very good night’s sleep, making up for the last two. But awoke quite late after some early wrestling with the bed covers etc and toes getting stuck amongst the duvet foot opening…and some other general discomfort.
The day was looking good, so I reckoned the place to be was down the garden. Only to discover more silly reorganisation had taken place – ie the recliners had been put away, other chairs put out and the parasol moved to nowhere remotely near where we sit, nor had it been placed anywhere even slightly useful.
I sorted that out and then summoned T to do a LFT test. That has returned faintly positive so I reported it to NHS. All good so far. BUT… then they sent me a code to enter on C19 App. Ha ha. Here we go again… only 1 user per phone, which is me. Not him. No way round it that I can see, and I can’t use his linked profile either. Why? No idea but it won’t work.
A phone call to the surgery seemed to sort that out. And they are leaving an oxymeter for the Illis to pick up. T being asthmatic and all that.

Next – Amazon delivered some decongestant nose sprays etc and a fancy thermometer. But guess what – no batteries included! And do we have any AA batteries? Unusually, no. Another request to the Illis.
The day can only get better. Hopefully. Maybe. Even.
Today was another day, just like every other, when I found my extension / charger cables wound up up and disconnected from the wall socket. In a fit of childish pique, I removed his cushions from his favourite chair and scattered them . “Oh,” he said as he puzzled over why his cushions were not as he expected to find them. I refrained from commenting what a nuisance it was when things got moved around and are not where you left them.
So there is another 10 days of going nowhere to anticipate; T being poorly etc etc. I can’t remember when he was last poorly. Apart from all the time with his chronic condition .
With both of us down, I decided I had better get out with H as it might not be fair to ask T to go. And it would certainly be more dangerous for other people if I let him come.
So we set off via the car, into deep warm sunshine, into green fields with wooded borders and no people. Well, hardly any people, just one collection. And a Clump or two. Long Wittenham. There was a slow moving group of small people ahead of me and I was aware that I should steer well clear of them.

The walk brought me to a sensible realisation, that is to say: whatever I do, and wherever I go, over the next few days, I will be leaving a dangerous legacy for those who will be breathing the same air and touching the same things. Space is all important , gates, fences, poo bins etc all harbour the potential to make other people poorly.
Perhaps taking a walk was not the best idea, despite it being in a wide open space with few people. There was still that gate to negotiate and slow movers to avoid. Maybe I need to think more carefully about where I go. Places without gates, fences, styles and benches would be a start. And without people would be a bonus.
The walk was flat and OK… but it brought me out in a right old sweat. Memo to self – a daily walk will be good for you.
An early morning start would be wisest. However, early mornings are not working for me at the moment. The time I wake up is erratic. The energy levels are uncertain. The joints need more than 10 minutes flexing. It’s a bit of a vicious circle.
I came home and relaxed for the remaining chunk of the day. I had forgotten to hang the washing up so I hope tomorrow is sunny.
We had eaten lunch at lunchtime so our evening meal morphed into a sandwich. Dave delivered the oxymeter. Both OK at the mo. T has no symptoms at present. I hope it stays that way.
The Ukranian refugees- are still hanging in there. Paperwork is moving on but is complicated. Ali ( legal hat on ) says most of it is a load of rubbish. There has been a flurry of attention to it at the moment, DCI has set up a FB group which is well supported. Ali has offers of help from friends as well as us. North Moreton, a nearby village has 60 offers of accommodation. I don’t think that will work out!
Things are not going my way – this bloody website and its typing! And it goes off on one and deletes a whole paragraph word by word and I can’t stop it. There I am in a finger stabbing frenzy trying to stop the text from deleting itself. But relishing its artificially intelligent superiority, it ignores my finger.
My chrome search button has taken itself off the bottom bar on my mobile phone. And I can’t work out how to get it back there.
Ali and Dave have cleared their loft room in preparation for their guests. They intended to load things into our loft but that will not happen until we are Covid free.
They have also got Peter and Freda visiting tomorrow but we shan’t be seeing them either. It’s helpful that the weather is do good so we can escape the 4 walls.
Living with his pottyness is sending me down the same route. Little things tip me into silent fury – he’s meddled with and emptied the utility room cupboards – can’t find bin bags/ hoover bags/ poo bags/ charger for Black and Decker mini vac for car/ etc. The large cafetiere plunger is in there – who would have thought… Scissors and spatulas and tongs regularly decorate window sills and walls.
My art stuff is also meddled with. Items carefully placed together such as tape, glues/ paper – all redistributed.
How I envy Brenda her respite. The next two weeks here could be tough.

Thought for the Day

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