A tricky afternoon- T was difficult.
I had a terrible night…although the congestion was much better and the snot appears to be drying up. Foggy brain and aches and pains continue but could be a lot worse. However, I awoke around 02.00 but could not settle back to sleep. A piece of toast helped.
When I eventually re-awoke, much later, the sky was blue and the sun was shining.
Today’s greater warmth meant a few lovely hours in the sun on our new patio. In comfy chairs.
Some ‘exciting’ deliveries punctuated my reveries. Mainly originating from Devon family. ( Apart from the apples DCI brought) Firstly, the Cook frozen meals arrived. These arose from a wedding anniversary voucher- I chose the meals; Pen sent the voucher. Very good timing to receive such a gift when I’m tied to the house. These now reside in the freezer except for the one we ate last night.
Next delivery was a Mother’ s Day ‘hamper’ of edible and non-edibles. T was overwhelmed with interest and felt obliged to help unpack. We got there in the end.
Yet again, for a third time, I was required to leave the sunshine – this time to receive the two free LFT test packs. That = 14 more home tests. The producers will charge around £4.00 for each individual test after 1 April . Word has it that the country will rely on vaccinations as opposed to testing. I can’t help feeling there is a flaw there somewhere. Especially for the unvaccinated. It’s all very well saying the risk of severe illness from current variants is low but that is not the case for some people or for the unvaccinated. It is easy to overlook these vulnerable groups.
Pen also had a delivery yesterday- as she warned him to keep his distance, her courier said hers was the 4th covid infested house he had visited that day.
I eventually became too hot and had to retreat inside.
I planted a few seeds that arrived with a gardening magazine that Pen sent- coriander and red sunflowers. I hope they germinate.
News of our Ukranian refugees is that they may be having second thoughts. This is not unusual – it seems that UK applications are too daunting and taking too long to complete, so many are heading elsewhere within the EU.
There is a lot of willingness to help over here. It all smacks of another government / Priti Patel plot to deter potential immigrants. Our refugees have spent nights in bomb shelters away from Kyiv. But Olena’s lack of English and a fear of the unknown and separation may overwhelm them.
Priti Patel has become invisible lately, (or been gagged.) Perhaps her days are numbered. Gove seems to be the current favoured mouth piece. ugh.
And then there was the delivery that didn’t arrive. Very annoying because it was a thermometer and decongestant. It does help, with internet shopping, if you press the ’buy’ button. Further research showed I had not. But I have now.

T relaxes with a sandwich after his busy day spent getting out of bed.
T took H for a late run, but she seems quite happy to lie in the sunshine, A walk is even better though.
We enjoyed . one of our Cook meals for supper – and I dozed off on the sofa.
And so, for the moment anyway, life goes on.
Thought for the Day

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