Just about! Nursing various Covid inflicted ailments. Hopefully they will all go away in a day or two. There are all sorts of chores that beckon , but too many aches and pains. I did sit outside for a while, once the sun had burnt off the frost. Not really a chore!
The night was not great due to a lot of congestion (snot) blocking my nose and then running out of it. Of course, I hadn’t anything handy to relieve it. But Amazon will bring something tomorrow.
I’ve done very little all day, mainly due to achey joints, as opposed to the fatigue that seems to overwhelm some sufferers. Avoided that, it seems. Thank goodness.
So I have nothing much to write. I was very impressed because a nurse from GP surgery rang to check I was OK and offer to loan me an oxygen monitor. I’m not chesty at the mo so we agreed that I could request one if it becomes necessary. Thats via NHS info feed.
Heidi came home around lunch time and T took her for a late afternoon run. She had obviously been walked by the Illis because she was very quiet. We missed her.
Poor old T has been bored to tears all day, once he got out of bed in the late morning. He can’t understand why I can’t go anywhere for the next 5/10 days depending upon when I test negative. x2 . He has all but forgotten what Covid is because news from the Ukraine has supplanted Covid in any news he watches. In a day or two we might be able to walk H in remote places.
I made a very spicy soup for lunch which will see off any bug brave enough or silly enough to infest me.
I have to stay at home for ten days or until I produce two negative tests. I only have 9 test kits left, for the two of us. I am having to use them judiciously. But I did manage to ambush the government link to order some free ones and they should be here in a couple of days. They are usually out of stock nowadays. And they will no longer be free of cost from 1/4.
T got up after 17.00 and took H out for quite a while. I was beginning to worry that he had forgotten the way home. I think he enjoyed it. She had been walked earlier by the Illis anyway.
I think I have repeated myself a bit. Or even a lot.
I prepped a traybake for tea and ordered an online shop from Waitrose for Thursday.
I will be in bed early.
Thought for the Day

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