Not a fan. I find it all very tedious. However I can only praise the tireless efforts of the fundraisers for good causes. I don’t actually like some of the presenters much. In particular Alesha Dixon who can’t speak standard English. I’m a real geek in that I like it when people speak using correct grammar. Sets a good example and all that. Update – Lenny Henry and David Tennant presented their bits well! Some items were actually funny. Two years ago, or the last time I watched it, it was dreadful. But maybe it was to do with Covid. But I didn’t watch it all.
I had the usual sort of sleep and woke up at the usual sort of time. I performed the usual activities and promptly dozed off again.
When I finally awoke, I was so shocked at my sloth that I took myself off to the Lido for a swim. T was very dopey so I reckoned that I had a couple of hours in hand. The drive in was hold up free at about 09.00, calculated to avoid the school run.
The pool was not too busy but, it being later, the usual collection of outsiders who were there for massages etc, drifted around in their twos and threes, getting in the way. But they were easy to avoid. And then I passed by a conversation where one lady mentioned to some visitors, that some members could get ‘territorial. ‘ Well, yes, it was a question of – here we go again.
I had been peacefully swimming up and down for about 20 minutes beside a nice lady who was walking up and down beside the wall. Another interloping lady then entered the water and muddled things somewhat, by deciding that she wanted to swim where I was – there was lots of space in the pool by now. I decided to hang in there and moved by the wall when walking lady got out. And started a length of backstroke by the wall. I only swim backstroke if I’m by the wall otherwise it can be inconsiderate as it can be difficult to maintain a straight line.
Interloper lady had something to say. And told me I should show more consideration to other swimmers. I had done about two strokes on my back at this point. Gazing round at the near empty pool, I responded that was why I was swimming by the wall… to be considerate. And I smiled in true saccharine fashion.
Interloper lady obviously did not like my polite reply because she then said she had been courteously swimming round me. “As I have round you,” I responded. More saccarine smiles. And I pointedly had another gaze around the 4 or 5 other people in the pool. I refrained from saying I was there first or anything else inflammatory.
Maybe its because I’m old and decrepit that I seem to attract all the selfish little shits who think they can shove me around. My saccarine and polite attitude seemed to overwhelm interloper lady because she disappeared. Sulking I expect.
Anyway it was a lovely swim in full sunshine. Really good.
T was almost up when I got home and we prepared ourselves for the Heidi walk. We walked along the river near Wallingford, not the usual route. It was sunny and felt very warm. H seemed to be on a mission of her own, keeping her distance some way ahead of us. Maybe we smelt. She was definitely not wanting to be associated with us. In fact, she had to be hunted out from the other side of hedges etc. Though she did concede and join us at the end of the walk.

As we sat outside enjoying the summer warmth, my eyes could feel the messages despatched by my brain. You need a snooze was the main one. So I returned home and followed the advice.
Exhausted Brenda gets two weeks of respite care starting tomorrow. The adult social care team have found Michael a place in a lovely ’hotel’ in Tadley. Brenda needs that respite. And we hope Michael settles well into his ’hotel.’
Thought for the Day

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