My ankle started off sore; the day became very wet from mid morning; and it has been a miserable monster of a day.
The night passed well, as nights usually do these days. But my ankle, which had been aching yesterday evening turned into an evil incapacity overnight. I was definitely tottering.
But I carried out the usual early morning chores and suggested to T that walking earlier rather than later might be sensible. I had studied the weather that was forecast. Rain was forecast from midday. Heavy rain. Walking in rain is one thing, but walking in heavy rain is another.
Of course, we didn’t make it in the dry. We drove to Upton where I knew we would get a mud free walk thanks to Sustrans modifying the old railway line. The views were great last time we went there. Great views today as well, if you like looking at cloud. And mist. And rain.
We encountered no one. No one except for an elderly black Labrador taking itself for a walk along familiar local tracks. It had disappeared into a field of dead maize before we were within greeting distance.
H seemed quite happy to be getting damp.

I was kitted out in hiking boots and a waterproof coat but T had declined all sensible clothing and just got wet. And a bit wetter. And eventually he was soaking.
H was pretty damp too.
My ankle pained me, but the more I moved, the less the pain.
At least, being wet, meant T had no inclination to stop anywhere for a coffee or a beer. So we returned home for lunch.
The News was full of the release of Nazanin Z R at last . She’s had a dreadful six years, as a political pawn. At least she has been able to spend the last year or two with her parents. Her daughter – well she has missed much of her growing up.
Ali and Co have linked up via Facebook, and later, a zoom call with refugees from Ukraine, to whom they are willing to offer accommodation. A mother and her six year old son. We will see if anything comes of that. They have fled Kyiv and are in Khust in western Ukraine. They hold international passports so the offer of accommodation now depends on paperwork and visas etc. Social media indicates there are moves afoot amongst potential local host families to link up, so no one will feel isolated- hosts and visitors alike. I think there have been more UK offers to accommodate than can be taken up.
But maybe, fighting will stop soon … Or are the negotiations another Pootin fantasy.

On another Ukranian note – Pen and her students have been busy on a display for their school entrance hall. She has had to read / censor all the handwritten comments to check for anything inappropriate.

We had a visit from 4 year old twins and their mother, whose cat we bought food for last week. The whole family succumbed to Covid. They were repaying the cost of the food.
I think the rain has brought any Saharan Dust to the ground though I believe London had an orange start to the day.
Thought for the Day

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