Another Pear Shaped Day

A decent sleep was had but I awoke at the usual time fully aware that a swim beckoned.

I didn’t have to go too early because the cut off time was 10.30 this morning so I booked for 08.30. Not the most sensible time to choose because of school run traffic. Wisely, I had chosen the Wallingford route. But on the return, I chose the Hagbourne route, but this only served to confirm the ever present flooding.

The swim was alright as far as swims go. All 80 of it . Or was it 700m?

Today was the day for a Moulsford monthly coffee morning. So I planned to walk H there across the Rec.

Before I had even set off, I had a phone call from Ali to ask me if I could collect G from school at the end of the day because F was not feeling well and wanted to come home. Now she is the school run chauffeur, they no longer use the school bus. This does relieve the family of paying several hundred pounds per year per child, and it also means the school journeys take about 30- 40 minutes per day instead of 90 minutes on the bus.

I agreed to do so, but barely before my mouth was shut, there was another call as disaster had struck and Fleur was reporting a water bottle leak over all her notes and her iPad. This was very upsetting to a poorly F. Her notes are always meticulous and useful and are usually works of art. More worrying was damp creeping across her iPad screen.

This changed the very recently made plan, to asking me to take the iPad to Ali, at her office in Reading so she could take it to the Apple Store. For an appointment at 13.00. Ish.

That changed my plans and I drove with H to the coffee morning. Where I learnt matters of interest. I gave H a quick trot round the Rec. (I’m glad I did not walk because someone said the track from Underhill was exceptionally muddy)

Next, on to Reading, where, with the help of the Satnav, I drove round the busy area close to Ali’s office about three times, failing to find the office car park, but I did find her eventually. And handed over the iPad. The Apple Store don’t fix damp but did confirm the obvious. So now decisions have to be made about whether to get it fixed by the people who do fix damp, replace it, new or refurbished etc etc. They do have insurance… but there is an excess to pay.

I managed not to get lost in finding my way home. I was starving so ate a huge salad with lots more of those secret ingredients. The seed mix has a spice in it that I am struggling to identify: it might be cardamom.

Dave had taken over meeting G from school which seemed a fair exchange for travelling to Reading. I HATE driving around the middle of Reading with its bus lanes. One way systems, flyovers and slip roads, and general traffic. General traffic that knows where it’s going, versus me who does not.

Once home, I was able to relax.

Back to the earlier coffee morning… another neighbour asked me what was going on with Wendy and Burt. I know nothing, but I was aware I had not seen either of them or their dog for a few days. And their car did not appear to have gone anywhere.

Now, because my sitting room is at the back of the house, I am unable to sit and twitch non-existent net curtains to investigate what everyone else is up to. ( though the ‘studio’ looks out at the front). So I have been unaware of medical people visiting W and B, according to Angela from over the road.

Ali has warned me off sticking my nose in , as did Angela, she said there had been loads of people coming and going. I just wondered about their little dog, who is very sweet. Walks etc. I’m still pondering.

The other matter of interest is that the nearby Care Home -run by the Friends of the Old Vicarage – is being purchased by what seemed like a very nice man, currently experienced in student accommodation.

He impressed me, though too late for my needs unless I want to go there for a holiday. Carers regularly wheel residents to the coffee mornings. He plans to redecorate, modernise and add interest to the garden. No not swings and trampolines…etc etc . The home will keep its dementia care role, amongst other things, but is relinquishing nursing care due to a shortage of nurses. You can’t really provide nursing care without a nurse or two.

Tomorrow will not be a swimming morning. I need to get H out at an early ish hour as I have a haircut to get to. Sharon will come to clean, the window cleaner will visit too. And if I’m really, really lucky, the windscreen crew might pitch up in the afternoon. A cluttered day. I don’t like cluttered days.

Thought for the Day






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