The later hours of the night were alright, but having dozed off during Throw Down and also CTMidwife, since the programmes are virtually simultaneous, I caught up at bedtime. And then dozed, woke and dozed.
I had to get up quite rapidly if I was to deserve my brekkie with the ladies who swim. I was at the pool in time to cover 1000m which was quite pleasing after a six week absence.
I approached Didcot via Wallingford which was not ideal, but the Hagbourne route suffers flooding, and with ice added into the mix, I did not fancy it.
The morning bore temperatures which were actually just above freezing but ice was still lying in wait. Particularly in the housing areas of Didcot.
The swim was good – I had only intended to do about 500m but had time to spare so just carried on.
Swimmers’ brekkie at Root One followed and there was a good turn out. My beans, eggs and mushrooms did the job and left my tummy feeling full.
I spent most of my time talking to organiser, Anne, whose husband had died suddenly on NYE. He had a ‘bug’ of the stomach variety, the week running up to his death, which was lingering on. The suspicion is that his heart gave out under the stress of the bug. Norovirus maybe. They are still awaiting a post mortem.
H was pleased to see me return and greeted me with enthusiasm.
I made myself another decaf coffee and sat down to recover from this unaccustomed early activity and my big brekkie. The predictable happened – H had to wait for her walk.
She did get one later, (but not before she had randomly deposited three small piles of puke,) as we wandered round the Rec and Streatley Meadows on a cold and gloomy afternoon. I think the sun may have shone briefly this morning. But we missed t
Why at Streatley Meadows? Because I had tablets to gather up from the surgery, which were actually ready and complete.
I drifted on in sleep for a chunk of the evening; went to bed and was awake for an hour or so and then slept better than usual until 05.00. Things are looking up! Study of my sleep app shows I am getting enough sleep but just not at the right time. Doh!
I was consumed by an itchiness at bedtime, particularly in my scalp area. A reaction to the chlorine I suspect. It’s happened before. Just need to become reaccustomed to it.
Thought for the Day

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