Christmas Eve

From Moulsford to Devon in one easy journey. And that is what happened.

The day started early around 4.00, I think when I decided to ice the cake. I will not repeat what I have written about that elsewhere.

There was packing to do, the car to load, some clearing up in the kitchen and elsewhere. The house is a trail of bits and pieces as a result of my sewing, knitting, painting and cooking. Two cakes in one week has left a trail of stickiness in the kitchen that is rather stubborn. No amount of wiping seems to remove it. Blame the various syrups and icings.

I was ready to leave home soon after 9.00, only to find my way blocked by the delivery of a new bed to Wendy and Burt. The large van soon removed itself and we set off for Devon via a short walk on Streatley Rec.

The intermittent fog during the drive obliterated the views- rather a shame. Stonehenge loomed grey from the mist and and silhouetted against the sky. But I was not held up there – a rare event. (Other members of the family who k ft a little later were held up a bit)

I zoomed past the ancient stones, with not so much as a whisper of a hold up. The new bit of road through the Somerset levels is also now open after years of roadworks. The whole journey was at a good pace and there were only a few lorries. I was surprised at the generally light traffic. But I think many people travelled over the previous weekend.

I was first to arrive. The Roberts family were all at home and it was lovely to see them all again. Ali and Fleur arrived about 45 minutes after me, followed by George and Dave about 20 minutes later.

Fleur drove her mother all the way here.
Well done F, that long journey with lots of dual carriageway to deal with. Very useful practice for your driving test which is soon.

Dave I has cleverly managed to forget to gather up Alex’s present sack, so that upset him somewhat, but she was fine, and will philosophically wait until their return home. I think he briefly contemplated driving back for it. But not for long.

Dave C fed us a delicious salmon lunch and then we repaired to the vast sitting room to be entertained by the new Karaoke game. It was very noisy and was really funny. I’ve never done it before. I’m not sure I will again.

The karaoke caused me to reflect how much T would have enjoyed that and probably joined in my Mamma Mia effort with gusto.

Heidi went for a longer walk with Penny and Dave and Minnie.across muddy fields I believe.

They were off to church and I had a snooze. A much needed one. Pen had designed the advertising pamphlet and programme for the service.

Frankie has kindly lent me her bedroom. And the three girls are in Evie’s room and George may be allowed to join them. Now he has a girl friend he is no longer the littlevboy youngest cousin but a person to be respected. His status has changed.

More food, wisely presented as buffet / snack followed and a long game which was causing my eye lids to droop, sent me to bed. So now I lie here, all tense and excited, wearing my newly gifted Christmas Eve nightie, waiting for Santa!

The Roberts have wisely planned lighter / salads and veg food offerings to avoid the rich overload that Christmas often brings.

Thought for the Day

This Pen’s Christmas card design:

Isn’t that a lovely bauble?







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