Raping the presents

This only took me around 5 hours! The Sabine women probably got away with it more lightly than my presents did. But then without them, the course of history might have changed and Rome might not have become the great power it did become. I blame Romulus.
Anyway I am wandering off piste.

Back to my narrative…

The paper supply is all but exhausted and as for the sellotape and scissors… I use dull Kraft paper these days so it just nicely printed, no glitter or shine in sight. It’s a bit like putting a straight jacket on my gifts. And the missing pressie even turned up for its own personal straight jacket.

Back to the start.

After another waking night, I could put things off no longer and was up around 08.00. I made a hot drink, and toast and removed myself to the packaging department for the duration.

I may have interrupted myself intermittently to deal with the washing machine.

And so it went on all morning and into the afternoon. Towards the end of my efforts, H came along every so often affording me a quizzical look, as if to ask if we were ever going out for a walk.

Eventually, most things were wrapped, so I turned my attention to making the Royal Icing. This was after I had checked that it would keep for a while, whilst I awaited the delivery of the cake decorations that Amazon had promised would be here before 10.00pm. Otherwise I would not have ordered them. And I certainly was not going to hunt any out in the shops. ( I discovered Royal icing keeps for weeks)

Our walk was in near darkness as it was nearly 15.30 when we set off. But we managed a decent run as dark descended. H still paddled in the cold, gloom.

I cooked myself some food and my eyes fought to stay aware as I awaited the arrival of my cake decorations.

They never did arrive, so, before bed, I slopped my icing all over and round the cake, over the marzipan, making it look quite virginal. It is now all nice and smooth (ish) on top, and gravity is busy at work so the icing is gently sliding off the sides and on to the base it is sitting on. As for decoration…I’ll leave it to the imagination of the beholder.

I decorated it… 🙂

I managed to load a few items into the car. The rest will have to wait for morning.

My evening was greatly improved by not having to provide George with a taxi from Isla’s house to home. Isla’s mother was coming out in our direction so brought him home . I assume.

I need to pack some clothes before we leave. Might be a good idea.
And I had better not forget the Turkey and piggies and cake or I could be in trouble.

My piggies look a bit untidy as though the main blanketeer had had enough of giving the pigs their wrap arounds. At least one pig will be feeling the fraught. Or even the drought. Or even the DRAUGHT.

Well enough of that. See you on Christmas Eve.

Thought for the Day






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