There was no time to hang around this morning. I awoke at 04.00 for a bit, then fell asleep until 07.00.
I needed to be in Ipsden for 09.30 for my art workshop and I had little H to exercise first.
It was another dull misery of a day, preceded by a chilly night. But up I got.
H had a quick dash around Moulsford Rec and this is not an area where we go that often, but I was in a flurry. And a hurry. Better than nothing.
The art course was good and helpful with a turnout of around 13 minus one who did not appear. The attendees ranged from utter beginners to those with experience, including Cherry. Their abilities were good or maybe the subject matter was easier. If I addd a robin, or bunch of holly to the posts, it could serve as a Christmas card idea.

Not too bad, not bad.
I came home, to be greeted with enthusiasm and intending to go to watch hockey, but I fell into the soup/sandwich, too tired trap and wanted to be at home.
Apparently, I missed a stunner of a match which F’s team won 8-0.
I started to watch Moonflower Murders – a new and welcome series which started off on Crete. But which moved to the U.K. I can’t see it returning to Crete.
And that was more or less it for the day – apart from another episode of Strictly.
Some ghastly insect has made a meal of my neck a few days ago. Probably on a walk and it probably got caught up in my scarf. But the after effects continue to itch, annoy and irritate. Sore now too. I reached out to Cetirizine which is now helping. Silly.
Thought for the Day

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