Out to Dinner

I was up and about quite early again but I had had a decent sleep. When I invited H to go outside, I had to look twice due to the presence of something horribly suspicious in the grass. A white patch. Just a patch. Later in the news, I heard that there had been hints of overnight frosts – the hot spot, or perhaps I should say cold spot being Oxfordshire. And, of course, we are near RAF Benson, which is always being mentioned for its extremes of temperatures. Especially cold ones.

I eventually got up and went to remind myself of yesterday’s art homework, which I had repeated so I now have two versions of the same background. Neither makes me happy, but I have almost finished my first picture of some sheeps in the snow. Watch this space for version 2.
I see I also have included a sheep pig.

The main excitement of the morning was Ali being asked to contribute to a radio 5 discussion about the new law on assisted dying. Unfortunately, by the time the Beeb called her, the programme had run out of time. But they rang her back and asked her to contribute tomorrow and she has a question to put with her father in mind.

It seems sensible but I suspect the issue of people with advanced dementia is a bit of a minefield that has not been properly considered. POA is irrelevant… Some sufferers are living the worst life imaginable, for years, but too late for them to reach an informed decision and there is also the 6 month rule. Hmmm… T was never at that stage and seemed happy enough within his own bubble until his last week or two.

Debs came to do my feet and it was very nice to see her. But my feet were feeling sorry for themselves today and swelled up for some reason or other. And then were very painful. But they have given up on that and reverted to normal now. But the pain hit me as I walked H later on. And I had trouble getting my shoes in. I did wonder if I had reacted badly to something Debs used.

The day was consumed with various chores and evil thoughts about the grass and leaves. And fluff on the carpets. But, hey, Sharon should visit tomorrow and she is a dab hand with the hoover.

H had a late walk around 3.00pm illuminated by a late afternoon sun.

I went out to dinner with Michael and Margaret this evening at the Beetle, which was just lovely. Heidi was deeply suspicious of Michael and very unfriendly, which is completely out of character these days. Something to do with a man on her territory maybe. Callers normally get no more than a cursory investigation these days, but suspicion was rife. Silly dog.

The Beetle was quiet and our meal out very delicious. Conversation was good – all very pleasant.

Tomorrow the CH man should be visiting – the night’s frost served to remind me that the digistat was not working so the front of the house where my ‘studio’ is / was quite chilly. But I have a mobile plug in radiator which works a treat. I keep the bedroom door open which allows warmth from the underfloor heating to creep into it.

I’ll probably not swim tomorrow to allow energy for leafy activity. But I must go on Thursday and Friday. And then there is next week in Wales and a hotel pool. It’s probably quite small.

Thought for the Day






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