Today has stayed dry!
The night provided a really good night’s sleep. And I awoke for a hot drink at the usual early time, but couldn’t be bothered to make one, so ended up drifting off again. Until around 06.30. That was too late and I was too dopey to consider preparing myself for a swim. Also, I was a bit nervous about the roads being flooded. There is one location between here and Didcot where there is always a pool after heavy rain.
We had over 40mm of rain yesterday.
I was the lucky recipient of texts asking if I could walk Minnie, as Dave had swanned off to Europe and Ali had an early start. This was not problem for me, but there was a proviso- only a clean dry dog was allowed to return home.
This controlled where we went so I chose Cholsey meadows and it’s gravel tracks and shorn grassy areas. We ended up chasing balls on the cricket field (after a wander) and this was great fun because Heidi also decided to chase the ball a few times. Both dogs were panting nicely. Minnie has to be bribed with a treat to release the ball. So H received treats too.
Whilst out with the dogs, I received a call from RBH informing me that I could be booked in for my next attack on the monolith in my kidney on 9/10. I was delighted to confirm my agreement. Well, delighted might be a bit of an exaggeration.
Damp and unmuddied, we returned home where I kept Minnie until it was time to leave for Newbury around midday. Only then she was returned home, clean and dry. This was not before she had helped herself to a second brekkie of H’s unfinished supper from the night before.
I found time to release the damp garden furniture from the damp cover and give it a good airing, and brought some inside prior to taking it to the shed for the winter. The table needs to go down to in front of the shed to catch winter sun. The cushions which were only slightly damp are now airing inside. I’ve ordered a large storage bag for them.
The annuals are dying off – pots need sorting out.
I met up with carer friends at Hilliers in Hermitage. It was great to see them all again – it’s been a month. I thought Anthony was looking increasingly frail and Marie was rather quiet. Dame Sue came – she can’t always because she looks after a teenage nephew with some educational difficulties one day a week and her grandson another day. Val and Brenda were on form.
Sue’s mother died a couple of weeks ago – at the age of 94. Sharp as a pin.
There was only one major flood on the journeys. And, once returned home, I only had a short while there, thanks to the ongoing palaver and queues at Streatley lights.
Only one task remained- to ferry G to Wallingford for U16 hockey training. He has left Wallingford for men’s hockey and now plays that with Oxford Hawks. Too many goal keepers and not enough teams at the right standard for league matches at Wallingford.
Today was Christine’s funeral but I will have to watch it in catch up via the link which is not available yet . My thoughts were with Terry yesterday.
Bake off has returned to our screens – joy!
Thought for the Day

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