Heavy big Drippy

I awoke, after an interrupted night, to very very heavy rain, lightning flashes and a few rumbles of thunder.
During the day, the rain has tracked in a horizontal streak, roughly south of the M4. I am told Peterborough had blue skies and so did western Scotland where temperatures reached 27C. Their hottest day of the year.

I was slow to get going, expecting lovely cleaner Loren, who is moving to Morpeth in a week, and a new sidekick who will take over. Except she is now not moving until early October, due to a defective link in the property sale chain.

So I have yet to meet her replacement. Loren is a paramedic. Her friend is a district nurse.

Gradually, the rain eased off and I went out for a paddle with Heidi. At Oangbourne again. I wore long sleeves and a precautionary raincoat. And I was overheated.

But it was pleasant enough out there despite being grey and gloomy. And Heidi kept herself very busy.

We didn’t hang around. I had intended to pick up medication ordered 5 days ago, but could not be bothered, nor could I be bothered to trek to Waitrose. It can all wait.

I was supposed to be visiting Pen and co in Devon but ongoing discomforts put me off.

Long car journeys with a stent are not recommended for some reason or other. Devon is now 3 hours 11 minutes away. It used to be two and a half hours away when we lived at BV. And that is without traffic hold ups and stops. So, it seemed wise to put the trip off until I am more ready.

The weather was not very conducive to a long drive either.

So the day passed in indolence. I hope to pick up swimming properly next week.

Ali posted a touching photo – title – first day at school . The first one Years 7 and 8 – prob Sept 2020. Mid pandemic. And now.

Meanwhile Penny has turned my appletini apples into a Christmas card. I bought the tree a couple of years ago on the grounds it is a miniature tree for small gardens. Wow! It is amazing.

Most delicious pink stewed apple ever! The pink is caused by the skins melting into nothingness.

Only a few left on the tree

Thought for the Day

T would have liked this. He used to remind me the first cooking I ever did for him was burnt apple crumble. He cooked pancakes for me and some strange sort of curry.






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