I had an absolutely terrible night because I realised I was quite dehydrated. I’m not supposed to let myself get dehydrated but all the happenings of yesterday made me want to limit my liquid I take at various times of the day.
The knock on effect was I did not want to go to the loo. Therefore I spent chunks of the night drinking loads of water and then suffered the consequential effects. But at least I was rehydrated.
Water is actually my preferred drink, but I’m getting a bit sick of it at the moment. Not allowed fuzzy either. The reason why? Not a clue.
I woke up to rain – the last thing I needed to see was more water. So I did not rush to go out and about. I needed to get cash to play Loren and her new cleaner tomorrow so that meant a trip to Pangbourne. In this country, cash machines are few and far between and there is a handy one at Pangbourne filling station.
I picked up cash and a few items to make a Slimming World Salmon pâte. Luckily the filling station is run by Asda and has a sizeable shop attached.
H and I walked in a deserted Pangbourne Meadows in increasingly heavy rain. 🌧️ I had quite a long chat with a 79 year old passer by who was carrying a bag of bread for the geese. I’m sure bread is not good for geese. We ended up getting soaked – a good thing that I had loaded clean, dry dog towels into the car. They are not clean and dry any more.
Back home, I finished off the lentil and veg hotpot I made the other day, but I curried it up.
I also picked more of my Appletini bite sized apples which people think are either plums or radishes. Not that I have ever seen radishes growing in a tree. I have so many that I have taken to stewing them, but in the oven to caramélisé them. They make the most delicious apple sauce. It’s a pink Apple sauce. With stalks. Not too many, just a few. To increase the fibre.
I started to watch series 2 of Colin from Accounts but did not get far into episode 2. Very enjoyable.
I livened the evening up by making a Slimming World recipe for salmon pate. To eat with salad. Pretend dill is scattered on top.

H enjoyed ( well she ate it all so I assume she enjoyed it) a dish of cabbages/ carrots and kibble with a meat sachet drizzled over. Cabbage is probably a first for her.
And I ate some of my salmon pate with salad. And the day scrambled to a close.
Thought for the Day

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