It was a golden morning when I awoke and peeked out of the window where the sunlight was playing on the houses opposite.

Very inviting.
But I realised it had rained in the night – that old give away – puddles on the furniture covers.
H and I were out earlyish, lest it became too hot later on. I think 23C was forecast, but it grew warmer than that.
We went to Pangbourne which was absolutely lovely. Quiet apart from dog walkers and the yellow cat boat. By the time we left, the car park was overflowing and cars were cluttering the approach road.
I called in at the surgery on the way home to pick up my tablets. I usually collect them from the dispensing machine, but had not been notified that they were ready. My enquiries produced the medication with an explanation that the machine had become overheated giving it a touch of the vapours. It required treatment. But not the sort a doctor could provide.
Once home, I grabbed the spray weed killer, gave myself repetitive strain injury and sprayed those weeds that were littering the gravel. But I don’t find that this weed killer is very effective. I need something that is more up to the task.
Next up, it was the turn of the mower and
grass did not cause too much trauma, for once. The weather is confusing it and it’s not sure whether to grow or not. Two bitches don’t help either. So patches of the grass decided that it was good growing weather, whilst other patches decided drought prevailed. ( despite periods of rain). However, the weeds were under no illusion and knew that it was good growing weather.
The garden is looking rather scruffy at the moment. Plants and veg both bring past their best.
I may have had a rest after that I’m a chair, in the sun.
It became time to complete my shopping run for the weekend so I dashed to Waitrose. And gathered up a few things I did not get yesterday.
And unpacked them.
Time to water the plants – I could see the ones at the front were drooling. Or even drooping. However, the weed killer had yet to make its mark.
I nearly didn’t get out thanks to this.

Ali brought Minnie round around 22.00, and left to pick up Fleur somewhere in the London direction. She had been busy being a Swifty. Again. And then they were heading off in the Cambridge direction where they would meet up with the rest of the family.
It will be an early walk in the morning because I will be leaving for my art course around 09.00. I also had to get myself organised for that because I had decided to save money and take my own paint and brushes etc. Acrylics ! They are messy! Must remember an apron.
Thought for the Day

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