The day started off with blue skies and looked as if it would be all bright and sunny. It it failed to live up to its expectations and became cool, and dull and gloomy during the afternoon.
However, the day itself was exciting and made up for the limp weather.
I exercised H round the car park before brekkie. And she did everything she needed to.
She likes this hotel because she got two sausages for her brekkie. The dining room was very quiet. HOWEVER it will not be quiet tomorrow because the hotel is full tonight and there will be 140 requiring brekkie tomorrow. Better get there early.
Something to do with boxing at the Leeds Arena and a festival at Temple Newsam.
The hotel Receptionist is called Heidi so a bit of a love in was had. But that was nothing compared with love in number 2 with receptionist number 2. Both receptionists love dogs.
I left to take H for a walk at Farnley Beck- the name is somewhat misleading. The beck was so far below me it was irrelevant. The woodland trails looked good but were quite steep at the start and deteriorated into mud overlaying rough stone cobbles, so I wimped out.

Next up, off to see Peter and Freda in Calverley who I had texted but they had not picked up the text so my arrival was a bit of a surprise. Freda was out shopping, but Peter gave me a very nice cuppa tea. And we chatted and I evicted the plants, which I potted up for them, from the car. Freda arrived back which extended our stay a little.
Their garden is looking rather fine.
And then onto the garden centre where I bought a couple of small fuschias, one for Kathryn and one for her to take to Heather. Heather won’t know me any more but it is the thought that counts. Despite the liver cancer, Kathryn was looking quite well but she has suffered a lot and spends chunks of time in hospital with infections. But they seem to be controlling the cancer and keeping it from spreading. It’s inoperable.
From there I took H for another short stroll, off the lead this time, whilst she investigated a cricket match. It was chilly by now. The cricketers must have been frozen.

And yet another exploration followed to find Park House, Thackley, where I lived with my parents and grandparents for the first 3 or 4 years of my life. I was born in Idle. Thanks to the Satnav the travelling around was easy and all the familiar places are close to each other.
I had forgotten how hilly it was around here.

Rawdon, where Kathryn lives is somewhere in the middle and distances are around 5 miles maximum so all very easy.
It was late afternoon by now, H and I retreated back to the hotel which was now beginning to swarm with people. I ate another really good supper – there was so much I could not finish it all. And we retreated to our room.
Despite all the people coming and going, I didn’t hear a single one, not moving around inside the hotel, nor returning from their hotel nights out as they walked outside my ground floor window. That is pretty amazing!
Thought for the Day

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