Another good night with a decent stretch of sleep . We were awake quite early and, armed with coffee, I set about doing my puzzles. A better day today.
Today was forecast to get hotter than yesterday and I believe it was. It made at least 24C, probably warmer in the garden and I feel a little pink. None of that residual Greek sun tan left, that clung to me for so many years.
H and I had a glorious early walk. Well we were out and about around 08.30 I think. Again at Cholsey Meadows.
I lost H for a while amongst the rushes and reeds bordering the pond. She was making a right old racket sploshing around. I could see the reeds moving but could not see her. I have no idea what was capturing her attention.

After a while walking, and then sitting in the sun, we returned home. I organised the garden furniture and spent much of the day reclining on it. Snoozing even. Cooking myself too.
I talked to the plants a bit. But the beans have yet to produce beans. Germination would be a good start.
And that was about all that happened. When I became too hot, I retreated within. I just seem to have caused a mess today.
I may have waved the hose around a bit. I watched a Netflix mini series recommended by Penny. ‘All the Light You Cannot See’ . It was very interesting – set mostly in St Malo in 1944. I forget that the St Malo you see today is not as old as it looks. It was mainly rebuilt after its wartime destruction.
H was unhappy when I invited her inside this evening, making her displeasure obvious by scrabbling at the door. So I left the doors open while she slumbered outside in the dark. But she was obliged to surrender in the end.
My washing dried very quickly and almost as soon as I removed the sheets from the bed and they were back on it again.
There have been big storms to the west, now drifting northwards. I think we have escaped. But I think our summer is over – there will be rain again next week.
Thought for the Day
This made me very sad … but I really like it…

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