Duvet Day

Disgusting was how the day dawned. Pouring with rain, relentless rain. Cold. Horrible.

I eventually got up and dressed but H had already made her feelings clear about going outside. I carried out a few chores but fell asleep again.

When I awoke, the day had changed and it was no longer raining. No excuse for not going out any more. I managed to do a few more chores which included making tasty fresh hummus. I ate it later for supper with the usual collection of crudités.

H and I eventually went for a walk at Pangbourne, in the late afternoon/ early evening. The wet has returned to Pangbourne and there were big poodles all over the grass. Probably thanks to last night’s rain.

The meadows were not busy. I thought I make a stir fry so went to Tesco Express in Goring to pick up the ingredients, but could not be bothered to make it in the end, preferring the crudités and humus. Which were a tasty collection of my 5+ a day.

I sat down to watch Blue Lights series 2 but am finding it quite tricky to follow. Lots of police in different roles and Irish persons on different sides of the divide.

Very proud of George who received an award as hockey player of the year for his role as U16 goalkeeper.

I put myself to bed early without falling asleep again!

Thought for the Day






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