I awoke at some silly o’clock, but did get back to sleep again. But waking properly later, I felt tired and had a heap of chores to do, which rather put me off getting out of bed.
So I made a list of them all in ‘Reminders’ on my phone. Does anyone else feel that making a list of jobs or shopping is as good as actually doing it?
Well safe in the comfort of knowing it was all listed, I turned over and went back to sleep. My strategy didn’t quite work on this occasion because when I awoke, I found everything was still only in list form which was a bit disappointing.
So I prevaricated a bit more before deciding to take H out. But that did mean I got an earlier clothes wash into the drier and sheets off the bed and into the machine.
And I thought I might get the car washed on the way to the walk. But the car wash crew were busy on someone else’s car. So we did the walk bit. At Cholsey.
And that was lovely, warm enough to be in a long sleeved T-shirt but with a chilly edge if you stopped moving. H must have been half asleep because she failed to notice the ducks dabbling in the pond. I expected she was exhausted from lying in a sunny spot in the garden. (earlier) (and later)
We engaged a charming Polish family in conversation who had the sweetest little dog, about half the size of H but with a similar fluffiness in the same places. She was a rather attractive apricot sort of colour. And some fancy breed. I’ve now used the internet to identify the little dog as a Pomeranian, which is logical because the breed is named after Pomerania which is a location in Poland.
Waitrose received a quick visit for some wet doggy food and some treats for H and one or two other grocery items.
Bingo! On the way home from Waitrose because the car wash was empty, I allowed them to wash the outside of the car which was filthy. The inside is like a skip on wheels, but I needed to do an interior sweep, so I’ll do that myself tomorrow and get it professionally cleaned after our seaside trip.
The jobs on my list were beginning to diminish in number by now, I was on a roll! Sorted the washing.
Then I girded my loins and mowed the grass. Again. I think that is twice in a week, but I knew it would be annoyingly long by the time I arrive home on Thursday. Probably still will be.
And this might seem unbelievable, but the outside pot plants needed water so I trailed the hose round the garden. I also eyed up the seeds I had bought but they have yet to be planted. They can probably wait until after my trip to Dunster.
It is 16.12 Sunday and Ali has just told me they are released from captivity because the road has reopened. I hope that’s the end of it all.
The weather has been quite mixed all day, from sunny and warm to perilously threatening.
Time to relax …
Thought for the Day

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