Today, the weather succeeded in being boring, in that it was no different from the previous few days, and was, as it has been for much of the winter. Dull, grey, damp. Windy.
No swim today because I was taxiiing George to Harwell so he could get a lift to Oxford for something or other to do with hockey. Ali was taking F in the opposite direction for something similar, at Bisham, something to do with dragging and flipping.
George was delivered on time, which was pretty amazing since the road works in Streatley Hill started and the road closed about 5 minutes before I left home to pick him up. So, George, weighed down under his goal keeping kit, which is massive, had to walk down the Coombe and round the corner to find me.
Halfpenny Lane was also closed today, after yesterday’s failure to do so, so that interfered with my return journey. But, let’s be positive Goring and Streatley are accessible again- that road has reopened.
H and I wandered around the ponds, of which I am told that two are temporary. And should not really be ponds. But H didn’t care.
We returned home and I drove to Newbury via the A4 and Greenham Common since that was one of the few routes open to reach Newbury. And bits of that are closing for odd days soon.
Throughout last summer, Streatley Hill was closed for six weeks for gas works, now it is something to with drains. Is it too much to expect utilities to communicate with each other and work contemporaneously? Yes! I suppose it is.
My meeting and lunch with Brenda and Lee was very enjoyable and highly amusing. Apart from the blood clots, she is making a good recovery. And is becoming quite spry on her feet.
Whilst at the garden centre, I picked up a grooming brush for H , an implement to dig a hole for the peonies and some bean sticks . I had picked up Weed and Grow earlier in the day. To kill the moss and dandelions that masquerade as a lawn.
I eventually remembered to avoid using the A34 or the B3009 to take myself home and admired the still flooded fields.
Bert and Wendy have been up to strange doings today. They had a huge pile of sawn tree trunks deposited in their front garden. As well as some smaller pieces for burning. And they seemed to be transporting these trunk sized pieces one at a time, on a truck, which they were pushing round the corner to their allotment. They had started before I left for Newbury and seemed to be still at it upon my return. It all remains a mystery. I suspect they are using our alleyway over which they have no right of way.

It was the second Moulsford Ladies’ evening tonight at the B and W. This was so well supported by about 30 people a month ago. Today there were 4 of us. Very strange, but the Easter holidays probably had something to do with it. Anyway, the other three people were good company and I did not have to worry about remembering names.
Thought for the Day

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