I did the usual, sleeping, in T’s armchair on this occasion, and then waking up to go to bed. And then being awake a bit too long. Then getting distracted by things going on on my phone.
I had restarted the phone earlier the day before, due to its rebellious behaviour connected with my wordle and waffle efforts.
The day was another of those wet ones , just to keep weather habits of recent times ticking over. The sun flitted by briefly.
Poor little H barely got a look in / out today.I was quite busy. But she remained quiet, still in recovery mode after all her hiking exploits of the other day.
I had quite a few chores to get on with in preparation for the arrival of Tina and Vangelis, and general tidying/ organizational chores.
Big problem as I washed some dishes !! We had no hot water. This was more than a little inconvenient. I know of a place elsewhere where this is a very regular occurrence. But they have back up and we don’t. Did I panic? No!
I knew what to do- 1. Give the boiler an inspection 2. Summon help. Sons in law are handy characters.
- Even I can recognise a red flashing light and the letter E as a sign of trouble, especially when the reset button flashes red. So I pressed it and eventually it restarted. I also recognise low pressure. But I do not know how to fixit.
- But son in law DCI does.
By now we had we had a rather dodgy supply of hot water, and Saint Dave flew to the rescue, showing me how to adjust the pressure.
In the meantime, I had visited Waitrose to ensure that I had food to offer our visitors for the duration of their visit.
Unpacking the shopping presented itself as the usual chore but I managed to get it all stowed away, and even peeled potatoes in time for the fish pie I would prepare later.
Waitrose was full of all sorts of tempting festive goodies now at reduced prices, including fish. And gateaux. And all sorts of useful delights.
I found Tina and Vangelis at Goring station at the expected time – around 3.30pm. And we went to see the Illis for a hot drink before going home. Of course the area is new to Vangelis- it is 15 years since he last came to the UK.
Upon our return home, I prepped up the fish pie which was cooked and eaten although there were left overs.
Replete and tired, we retreated to bed.
During the day, I was treated to various messages and enquiries from friends. Mostly to do with needing final details of the funeral arrangements.
Everyone has worked very hard to make T’s funeral as good as it can get. Now all fingers are crossed for a smooth and peaceful time.
There will be a livestream for those unable to be with us.
Thought for the Day
Designed by Penny, with help from Trudi, and advice and interference from the rest of us. I hope we are doing T proud.

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