I awoke at some silly o’clock once more, and thought, after a loo trip, that I was sleepy enough to fall asleep again. But I was wrong – it was not to be and I spent most of the next two to three hours trying hard to get back to sleep. And failing miserably.
I got myself a hot drink and flexed, but forgot to switch off my workout.
I eventually levered myself up, intending to get the dogs out for a walk. The weather appeared a vast improvement on yesterday with some evidence of sunshine.
Then I was waylaid by a couple of jobs that needed doing, both of which required me to use IT.
The first was to order up the food for the post funeral refreshments at the Spring Inn near Theale. They have been extremely helpful and accommodating and we have ordered a mixture of hot and cold snacks. As for numbers – well- who knows! Could be 60, could be more, or could be just family. I took a stab in the dark.
Next job required me to use word to type my 1 minute farewell speech at the funeral. All speeches have to be carefully timed as the service only lasts 40 minutes and 10 minutes of that is entering and exiting. So I have 1 minute. I just hope I can spit it out with some fluency.
Now I thought I had paid up for Word. Or maybe it is renewable annually. Whatever the case, I kept being asked for passwords I can’t remember and since Lastpass no longer allows me into it to access all my stored stuff, I had problems. I was thrown backwards and forewords between new passwords and codes. Hotmail and Gmail locked me out and everything went crazy. And I’ll throw Evernote on the same scrap heap because that has done a Lastpass and forbidden me entry. Loads of recorded items are lost in the heavenly clouds of time long gone.
In the end I typed my speech as an email in the hope I can find it again and get a printout. Via the Illis.
Tech tangles continued with Pen trying to select photos for T’s reflective slide show. There followed a brief family squabble to do with format and choices made. Oh my goodness! Everyone has put so much thought and effort into all aspects of the funeral, we are in funeral PTSD. And I’m in password PTSD.
Trouble was we were trying to sort it long distance because we could not get together in time to do it. And we had certainly underestimated how long it would take. And it took Pen a very long time.
I eventually took myself and the dogs out to Castle Meadows which were not very muddy. But the lane to access the meadows was muddy. And somewhat treacherous. But the dogs did not care.
The wind did its it’s best to try and push me over as it howled through the long grasses, both dogs wheeled and ran. They both made a playmate in the form of a lengthy brown creature who occupied them awhile.
Minnie (for once) forgave or forgot the pleasures of the boundary stream and remained dry. And the flooding in the water meadows had subsided.
Pen had donated some old towels which now lined the car floor, but the dogs omitted to give their jaws a decent wipe. So they ended up drying out on the warm kitchen floor whilst I mopped their paw prints elsewhere.
I’m not sure what happened to the rest of the day. But I’m fed up with passwords and the forgotten ones.
Thought for the Day

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