Still Medicated

For me, the night was very good compared with recent ones . But for T it was another restless one- he spent a lot of time in the bathroom, turning the taps on and off. We had a bit of a lake in there by the time T had finished.
I’ve no idea what time he got into bed, but I did get a decent night’s sleep, which was a relief after last night. I had taken a decision that, firstly, I would make sure T was safe. And then I would leave him to get on with whatever he was up to until he was either tired or bored.
This seemed to work because I woke up at 06.00 to find him in bed alongside me.
I managed to get the slow release morphine into him but the TXA was a step too far and had to wait a while. Despite much overnight activity, involving the mop, T was generally less frantic and less agitated.

He slept very deeply and for a long while this morning. Tina took H for a walk down to the river and around Moulsford. They arrived back before the rain started to pour down. Heavily. Penny left Devon on another short visit to us. Everyone else was at work.

With a little difficulty, T took his medicine at the appropriate times, marred by a coughing fit at midday. I gave him 1.5 ml of Oramorph to deal with this, and he had paracetamol. He can have several doses of Oramorph in addition to the slow release capsule. But I am trying to investigate if the previous increased morphine dose was responsible for the terrible nights we have had recently.
So I am using Oramorph sparingly.

He also slept the afternoon away. I am hoping this return to the good old times of sleeping all day will also mean he sleeps all night.

Pen arrived bearing milk and magnums and she was full of BigMac or similar.
She flagged somewhat during her visit and has picked up a bug from somewhere. Though she rallied a bit later.
But that BigMac meant she did not want any of the yummy chicken pie I had made. Luckily Tina ate it, as did I and I persuaded Ali to take the rest of it home to feed her menagerie.
The day had become evening, and it was time for Pen to leave. T has had a much better 24 hours. I hope it continues overnight.

Tomorrow is a bit of a scramble with getting Tina to the station and thence on to Gatwick for her flight. H will need me to walk her. T is not able to be left unless he is in a deep sleep. And there is SW, just in case I might have mislaid more of a kilo. Unlikely this week. And there are the drugs to collect. And DCI may call to Dad sit whilst I do my errands.
T bedtime, T did not hold back in his language and anger over the TXA tablets. H had taken the morphine one around 19.00 but the TXA involved a new challenge.
Ali suggested a bit of deception involving a Magnum where his memory slipped him just long enough to do the TXA. And then the restlessness started with trips to and from the bathroom and the lights in and off. I managed to reach a level of deep ignorance and so did get to sleep amongst this chaos.
I woke at 04.00 to find him in bed beside me. Lights still on but at least he was sleeping.
He even managed a few nibbles today – very limited really – but more than recently where he has eaten nothing. And he has had 3 of the nutritional juices which is also an improvement.

Thought for the Day






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