Tripped Out!

There was some minor disturbance in the night accompanied by some absolute gibberish that made no sense to me nor to he who contributed it.

We were awake at the usual time and I was quickly on to TXA, Oramorph, inhalers and paracetamol.

This morning T appeared very tired and ill tempered and abusive if I crossed him.
However, after no small struggle, I did manage to get him up by around midday. nd he even had a bubble bath first. I am anxious to get him up and active because if I do not, I am fairly convinced he will lie around in bed. All day. Every day.
And that won’t do him any good at all, and he does enjoy meeting up with other people.

There was no significant coughing this morning but he has complained about the bump on his head. It is difficult to tell whether it is painful or irritating or both. I might see if I can find a donut for it.

We ventured out to Blue Tin, where it was so sunny we overheated and were blinded by the sun. We bought a few delicacies that were not cheap and enjoyed tasty snacks although T just played with his. But then he is eating cake now as I type. It’s very rustic up there and can get very busy, but not today.
It is still summery at Blue Tin .

The lack of bizzyness is probably because, unforewarned from our direction, we found the road closed. The diversion took us along a very narrow road with few parking paces. And those that existed were mostly ankle deep in mud. Just the place to spin the rubber off your tyres. Off-putting.
Some idiot of a woman in a big 4 x 4 appeared unable to reverse to a nearby passing place and expected me to reverse for a few hundred yards. I took pity on her as she steered her car from banked up verge to banked up verge. Reversing is not my strong point but compared with her…

We returned to Moulsford and I wanted to walk H and T wanted to accompany me. So a which dash into the house provided us with a loo opportunity as well as tablet time.

We then wandered by the river over the marshy meadows at Pangbourne. It was still sunny and quiet there too. The light was strikingly beautiful. I deposited T at the nearest bench to the car park and H and I disappeared down the Thames Path to give her a bit more exercise. Treachery lay concealed under foot in places.

Bigfoot has been out and about.

I used a flight tracker app to track overhead aerial activity. The flight path if one plain intrigued me because it soared in a steep upward trajectory in an unexpected direction. I learnt it had taken off from LHR for San Diego 8 minutes earlier. I also used the app to identify an approaching helicopter as a Chinook from RAF Benson, out in manoeuvres. Unsurprising.

It was time for home for half an hour before we returned to pick up Fleur to take her to Marlow for hockey. .

Negotiating Streatley traffic lights was not fun – as I straddled the crossroads, I needed more ears. T was directing me ( with no understanding of where we were going), the Satnav was telling me to travel in the opposite direction (it did not understand I was picking up a granddaughter) and Pen was on the phone. In the end, she gave up and I ignored the other two.

We made it to Marlow Hockey Club and dropped off our charge for her mother to collect later.

We were home before 19.00, not requiring anything other than a light snack thanks to the vegetarian lunch earlier. I ate done left over new potatoes with some lettuce. And a drizzle of Mayo.

I survived Masterchef but not the jungle. Nigel has reverted to type. Read no more –

Spoiler warning.

Nigel keeps flashing his arse and is assiduous about personal hygiene. And clothes. I’m surprised he hasn’t a city suit tucked away somewhere.
Nella is an attention seeking big mouth but quite a good sport.
Fred annoys me.
Josie is great and philosophical, nothing seems to phase her.
Jamie-Lynn Spears and her tears were ridiculous. Then she completed this solo, vertiginous trial without a second thought and with 10 stars and minutes to spare. Utterly brilliant.

Daniella – quite cute.
Grace Dent – gosh! You certainly need your make up. I hope you manage to control your house keys.
And there are a couple of other boys including a Nick (?) who seems to be a good egg and a similar young one and the singer is good stuff too.

However I was so riveted by today’s episode that I drifted off.
T had gone to sleep but awoke at midnight with some coughing. And muttering.
Tomorrow morning – that will be a challenge.

Thought for the day






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