I awoke too early but I hung in there until I could decently make a coffee and give T a crumpet or two. Much to his delight.
H and I took a stroll out around Streatley Rec and beyond in depressing drizzle. It was not pleasant but I knew we would be out a while.
Pen arrived and had a cuppa tea and some yogurt before wielding the hoover around and about. T managed to get himself out of bed and dressed, whilst ignoring most of the clothes that I had left out for him.
Ali gathered us up and we were soon off to Oxford to the Churchill Hospital, Dermatology this time. For a diagnostic appointment for T’s swelling under his chin and whilst there, we threw in the one on the back of his head for good measure. A sort of BOGOF that the hospital staff could not turn down.
It was very quiet there, but then it was a Sunday. The appointments were also running about an hour late (although they pretended it was only half an hour,) so we walked a kilometre or two to the cafe and back at a new appointed time. T ate a big fat mince pie.
The Greeks are clearly taking over the Churchill – a Greek oncologist and now a Greek dermatologist. Whatever next! He was from Volos.
The news was not good, which was what we expected. It’s a malignant growth that needs removing under a local anaesthetic, but therein lies the rub. A knife might be necessary unless they use a mechanical excavator or similar. Knives through flesh and T are not a happy combination, especially if it might be necessary to lie still. A general anaesthetic is probably not suitable.
So we will return for the knife, and let the chap in charge at that time decide what to do. It may be nothing.
But his lymph nodes are not behaving – poor old thing. I wish there was something more constructive and positive lying in wait.
We cheered ourselves up by the thought of Sunday lunch at one of our local hostelries. Ha ha. They were all booked up until about two hours time. All six or so that I tried.
But the Waterfront was not busy and we enjoyed some very nice food there. Inside for once. We usually have H with us so end up in the screened off outdoor area. T had the most enormous plate of scampi and chips and a pile of salad. And most of a chocolate brownie. (All this after the hospital mince pie)
Ali dropped us back home and Pen departed for Devon.
The day ended as it started with just the two of us and wet and dark.
I booked three of us (Tina will be here) for an expensive treat at Blenheim Palace for their Christmas Light trail – early access tickets. There is also a Christmas market. And blue badge parking. You have to book parking in advance or you do not get in. It’s very pricey so everyone had better enjoy it.
Random Thoughts for the Day
And as for this ridiculously dangerous, obnoxious person… SB…

My wishful thinking ⬆️ – push her out to sea without a paddle / lose the key/ etc etc …
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