
I slept very nicely. I started on the sofa, became nearly strangled and eventually overheated by my oodie, and I concluded the matter in the bed.

It was dark ( as usual these days) when I woke up, which translated into dull. And wet. And uninviting.

T was very compliant about getting up which took me by surprise and was ready for daycare with half an hour to spare. So he was delivered on time and H and I went off to Streatley Rec where the sun was struggling to break through.

It had rained heavily in the night, so there were plenty of poodles and wet grass. And mud is beginning to appear in its regular haunts.
The road works signs continue to warn of non existent road works and of a closed road that is open and, therefore, not closed. The road between Streatley and Wallingford.

It was soon time to head off for the wonders of Slimming World in Wallingford. There I swept the board at the meeting. I wish they used metric measurements. I’m a bit stumped as to why they still operate in lbs etc.

And I got a wonderful prize of mostly tinned goods which included three that were sweetcorn! I shall ditch the Canderel because it contains aspartame .

Did I eat potato crisps this afternoon? Now let me think.

I collected T who couldn’t remember that he had enjoyed a musical afternoon despite the presence of the guitarist, also ‘Tony,’ who was packing up his gear close by.

We returned for a snooze and to continue my catch up with the excellent ‘Payback.’ I think ITV must be economising in the costume department because Morven Christie wears the same brown coat all the time.

Thought for the Day






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