Sulham Woods

I was awake briefly at 05.00. Long enough to savour the early morning darkness and fall asleep again.
Later, the skies were blue, but I was in no great hurry to get out and about , nor was little H it seemed. She was definitely keeping a low profile.
T was keeping an even lower one. I gathered up H and left him. I am not sure if it is my imagination, but he seems slightly less wheezy and has definitely coughed less today. Hardly at all in fact. So maybe the palliative radiotherapy is kicking in at last.

Our new route was at Sulham Woods, across open fields, through woodland and then skirting open fields again. The ground underfoot was very awkward in places – in tractor tracks or over tussocky grass. Nice views though.

H and I returned home to find T still in bed. I was hungry so cooked bacon and egg which we both ate and I waited for T to get up.
My eyelids seized up and I drifted off to a better place.

We had to get to Newbury, in the hope that Boots had obtained the remaining outstanding medicine. The idea was to take H for a short walk at Greenham to catch up the outstanding Km.

Boots kept me waiting ages whilst they fumbled around, searching for the missing meds. They had been specially ordered on 29/9. I was unaware that the pharmacy staff were in a mild state of panic because they could not find it. Apparently this medication is one they are supposed to have in stock all the time. According to the ruler of pharmaceutical rules.

After some long while, they did find it and I was soon on my way back to the car. By now I had lost enthusiasm for a second walk for T and for picking up a Chinese ( lunch had filled me up). And I needed a loo.

We tripped round Streatley Rec to keep my kms up. I still needed the loo but made it home with dry pants. I had picked up fruit and a ready meal at at M and S in Newbury, but it remains in the fridge. We had fruit and nuts for supper.

I fell off the bed in the night and didn’t half give myself a fright! The first I knew about it was a loud clonk and my head, appeared to be in the wrong place, swiftly followed by the rest of me. Jammed between the bed and the wall with limited space to wriggle was not ideal. However T was swift to the rescue. So all was about to be well. Except he had not read the instructions: “How to reassemble your wife after embarrassing exit from bed.”

I could just as well have come from IKEA, because I was reconstructed with difficulty and pain. And I’m not sure all the bits are in the correct places. And there is an extra loose screw or two.

Thought for the Day







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