
I did sleep well, apart from an ache in my left ankle, the latest injury, I made an early cuppa for us both with some toast and fell asleep again. Eleanor was up and about and kindly took Minnie out with Kally for a very long walk to Streatley and back. Minnie, apparently, behaved very nicely, returning on command. This was a big help and great for Minnie. H stayed with me.

All three dogs seem to get along nicely, largely ignoring each other in the house. H has been very annoying barking outside at every move our neighbours made as they sorted themselves out for their holiday.

Both my ankles were sore, and at one point, in the night, I got my walking stick out as I felt quite wobbly. And it was dark etc. I felt as though I was walking on peg legs.

E has kindly offered to take Minnie out in the morning and H can come with me for the usual post-delivery of T to day care walk.

Terry and Christine will arrive mid morning so I must be around and about for that.

T has not had a good day. He has been coughing a lot and chuntering a lot, particularly later in the day. I was hoping he would take himself to the bedroom and spare our ears, but it has been one of those days where he has glued himself to me and wherever I was.

We had shepherd’s pie for lunch, part of a cunning plan to provide the basis for lasagne tomorrow. I don’t often make shepherd’s pie but I reminded myself how much nicer a homemade one is. Should make bulk supplies!

Unfortunately, the result of the shepherd’s pie was to send me to sleep, causing me to miss out on most of the second series of Clarkson’s Farm. But it kept E and T amused.

In between times, I looked at Eleanor’s albums and diaries from her visit to Peru in 2005. Very interesting pics and comments recorded. Not least from those left behind!

Tracey and Andy and Co are off to Portugal today and the eggs they bequeathed made some jolly good sandwiches.

Thought for the Day






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