Blue Badge Day

I had another disturbed night, but not unpleasantly so. I found things to amuse me. My brain was a bit busy. The cleaners had wanted to change the day from tomorrow to today, which was fine, or should have been fine.
I had a list of minor things requiring my attention.
T cooperated so I could drop him off at Daycare. I noticed, en route, that there was a coffee morning to be attended and I hadn’t been for about three months. Due to Art, mainly.
So after dropping T, instead of walking H, I returned home to carry out some chores before the cleaners came at 12.00.
In between, H and I nipped to the coffee morning and caught up with a few people that I have not seen for a while. It was a poo walk for H.
Mid-coffee morning, my phone rand and it was Anne. Which confused me since she was supposed to be on her way to Australia. A pocket call maybe. Anyway, I couldn’t hear her.

Then I greeted Lisa and team who whisked their way around the house.

To my utter delight, within the jaws of the letter box, tightly clamped, was an envelope containing a blue badge, and rules of where and when you can use it, in triplicate. I am beyond grateful.
I can now park for up to 3 hours on double yellow lines, and without time limit or fee in lots of other places. As long as T is with me.

We shall start with Marwell Zoo on Friday. Or so I thought…

But Pangbourne Meadows beckoned first.
We took a short evening stroll there, in what I thought would be the cool of the day. We had waited especially before going out because it was a warm 25C around 3.00pm. However that was a mistake because it was 30C at 5.00pm.
What a contrast to the last few weeks!
People were picnicking and swimming and paddle boarding just like in the painting: Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Well sort of. It was a pleasant stroll and H spent her time exploring goose poo.

We visited a pub, that was new to us, on the river at Pangbourne. One that does not have a lot of parking and I carefully manoeuvred the car into an easy-get-away space. Then I saw the disabled space. Doh!

I’m not sure we will return here due to the loud youthful Pratt seated not far away whose every other utterance was deafening and began with f and ended in k. If he is typical of their clientele it is not the place for us. Most other people around were of a certain age. His accent suggested his family were not short of money but that is mere speculation. His mates were quieter and their voices did not stand out.

However, I have reconsidered and Pratt is actually a very nice young man with a vocabulary problem. Perhaps he has Terretts. The reason for my change of opinion? He was very sweet with Heidi.

We returned home to finish the Take Away left overs. Yes T too. Taking an evening stroll is actually quite pleasant although it keeps H waiting. That is twice in two days now.

Thought for the Day






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