Less Wet

published late

Well I had a very good night, not awaking particularly early. It was actually not raining, though we experienced various showers as the day progressed.
The fridge was a bit bare and things were in strange places when I investigated breakfast. I had to stretch things a little bit. Ever tried stretching a piece of toast? It’s a bit brittle.
I lay around for a bit whilst I dealt with some of my brain puzzles. Even Wordiply cooperated.

Heidi and I had a lovely breezy walk at Pangbourne. There were quite a few people around streaming through the meadows with their dogs. Yesterday, I had found a pair of prescription spectacles, quite small, so possibly belonging to a child. I had posted a pic on a Pangbourne Facebook page. But no response. So far.

Heidi and the geese.

The river was ruffled due to quite a strong breeze. Boats were busy plying their way up and down, or were not busy, parked up. T remained in bed. And H sorted out the geese.

I popped to Pangbourne filling station which hosts quite a large Coop and where parking is easy. Well it is easy when not occupied with two huge lorries- one a fuel tanker, and the other a grocery delivery vehicle.

I had to respond briskly, to a particularly unintelligent woman who was blocking everything as she sat in her vehicle, queuing for fuel. She thought I was jumping the fuel queue, and shouted at me, but I just told her what I thought of her blocking the way to shopper parking. I refrained from suggesting her grey matter was a bit thin.

I only picked up a few essentials since I think the delivery vehicle contained various items that were missing on the shelves. And then, when I tried to leave, I found the whole forecourt was like a fairground ride of dodgem cars with the two lorries thrown in for extra excitement.

We made it home and I fed T a cheese sandwich. I think he may have already eaten the two boxes of grapes I bought.

The Wimbledon Men’s Final was not entertaining at the very beginning but it became more so. I can’t really describe much of it but I did wake up for the last game or two. A very charming young Spaniard, Carlos Alcarraz, has deposed Djokovic. Such a shame. I think I missed some good bits.

Thought for the Day

Anyone for tennis?






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