One of these days…

One of these days, things will settle down and life will progress smoothly without irritations and annoyances.

I had a good night’s sleep, despite having become heavily involved in Aussie Traitors ( it’s good) where the competitors are an interesting collection of misguided ambition-fuelled and likeable people, unlike the American series where they mixed in a few minor celebs.

I awoke and performed some of the usual routines before turning my attention to the current thorn in my flesh – the Blue Badge team. And their ridiculous demands. Throughout the day I composed various whinging complaints but sent none of them. They would only have fallen on deaf ears and caused ill feeling. In the end, I emailed a mild ‘we are working on it ‘ version.

I will save the ‘kicking’ email until later. The one that says you need someone to do the job who: 1 . knows what dementia actually is 2. What is involved 3. Understands medical processes 4. Has some empathy with carers recognising the implications of dementia on lives 5. Review your own processes – are they fit for purpose?

I rang the dementia advisor but she’s buggered off elsewhere which is why my emails bounced back. Her replacement couldn’t help. I also telephoned the more important Amber Saunders but have had no reply.
I have a GP call booked for Friday, despite being told by Blue Badge team that any GP support is to be disregarded. This is simply because I don’t know where else to turn, and it is in the hope he can point me in the direction of someone who can help, who must be a Clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist or an occupational therapist or a social worker. Great! When have we ever seen one of these!
Since diagnosis, all reviews have been done by nurses. Specialist ones.
I also intend to mention T’s general health and moods and decline in the areas that worry me.

We will now end up waiting months. I expect.

I gathered up Tony to come out with H and myself but brought him back without finishing up anywhere due to extreme rudeness and bad language. I don’t know what was behind his attitude – he just got really angry and asked why are we doing this! Waste of time. Etc etc. (Down by the river, about to walk H) and announced he would wait in the car. Leaving him in the car does not happen . He meddles.

H and I went to Pangbourne together.
It was nice out there, fairly sunny with a busy breeze. And it is soothing .

I relented and swapped T for H and took him out to lunch at the Waterfront. Mostly because I did not fancy sitting on my own along with the knowledge I would still have to feed him later. He was not on top form but was in a better mood. And he likes it there because there is plenty to see.

It was all very pleasant. He had calmed down / forgotten his explosion.

This the little ferry that is taxiing people to and from Benson Lock now you can no longer use the crossing.

We returned home to find BBC programming continues to be dominated by Wimbledon. Well I am wondering why we are subjected to two weeks of tennis sans British interest. I would quite like to watch golf or cricket, where we can see home grown talent, instead of a bunch of furriners.

I’ll be off to continue Traitors Aussie style after I have dispensed with the News and some cake bakers.

Thought for the Day






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