Penny’s Birthday

Happy 49 years to our oldest daughter. She was only 3 weeks late arriving beyond her due date!

As if moving house was not enough, this week she has had a birthday, examination moderations and I think they are having a party.

I was awake to do brekkie early after exhaustive sleeping over the previous few hours. And then I fell asleep again until nearly 08.00.

Well that was unexpected, so I revised the plans for the day. I suggested to T we walk across the Rec with H to the Swan and I would treat him to a coffee. And we did exactly that, returning to the car by the outward route.

Unfortunately, he knows how to ruin a gentle walk. We had fine around 20m when he announced there was some discomfort around one of his shoes. He sat down by the swings to sort it out and then announced he would wait there for me. Indignant, I explained why that would not work. Grumpy faced, he arose and followed me. The I E cream and coffee cheered him up.

Whilst we were out, our cleaning team visited. I forgot to leave their money so will leave it at Ali’s for them to pick up next week.

I left T and H at home and took myself to The Yew Tree at Ball Hill where I met up with Brenda, Marie and Paula. The latter is still hung up on the treatment her mother is subject to in her care home. I think we gave her a bit of much needed food for thought about her slightly misguided campaigning.

It is becoming harder to leave T at home. We are at the beginnings of feelings of: ‘I don’t really want to be left on my own while you go out and have fun.’ This has never ever been a problem in the past and I don’t really want it to become one now.

He certainly gets obsessed with where I am if I disappear or even disappear and leave him with other people. This is tiresome.
And the bed is not quite the solution it once was.

it was a relief to be out and away. At home it can be stressful if he is up. My pot plants remain in the corner out of sight. I know if I move them where I can see them, he will move them again.

The fridge seems to be bare again. Amazon tried to deliver something in my absence but failed – well someone was home at that time…I’ve heard nothing from SODC Blue Badge people or SODC council tax people.

Thames Water seem to be upshit creek. The creek being The Thames and the shit being that which they discharge into the Thames. They are our water company. But our shit is dealt with separately by our own private and personal sewage plant that services approximately 60 properties in Underhill and the local area. I feel another campaign coming on to make sure we are not paying Thames Water for sewage disposal. I’ve just payed nearly £500 to our private system. I’m not prepared to pay Thames Water for anything other than a water supply. Administration, financial collapse etc or not.

I returned home later than I meant to. T was obviously feeling slightly put out. But I swept that aside. I had left him a sandwich but he only ate 1/4 of it. But had no trouble demolishing the cake I brought home.

We watched a rather delightful light comedy film called: On a clear Day. About a man’s determination to swim the English Channel. I was envious, must pick up swimming again. It was based on a true story.

I fell asleep. Then I went to bed!!

I am not looking forward to the weekend.

Thought for the Day






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