There was a humdinger of a storm yesterday evening, the likes of which I have not seen for several months or years. The garden will be pleased. The grass will grow just to annoy me.
I fell asleep having accidentally watched a, quite interesting programme, about the Queen. Then I discovered it was recommended something to do with Life through a Camera Lens.
I find it easy to go to sleep because it blocks out T’s mischief which would stress me out if I was awake. He keeps interfering in my study, but only when I am out or asleep.
Somewhere there is a long handled dustpan and brush. But where is a mystery.
The night was seriously awful. I could not settle so gave up and watched some TV. I could have done something a bit more useful…
T was cooperative about getting up and spent his day at playgroup. I walked H at Pangbourne and eventually found some shortbread biscuits for George to add to his financial birthday gift. He is quite fussy over foodstuffs, but shortbread is always a winner.
I was in a quandary over the shortbread. I didn’t want cheap own brand shortbread, also, I had H with me who I couldn’t leave in the car at a Supermarket, even if there had been one nearby, due to the heat. Waitrose was out of bounds anyway due to the extremely hostile road management in Wallingford.
So finding suitable shortbread was becoming tricky.
My brain waved at me! Basildon Park National Trust sells tasteful cookies/ bound to have shortbread biccies. And jam. I’m scraping the jam jar for T’s toast at home.
The. NT had every biscuit under the sun, except shortbread. But they fulfilled my jam requirements. Strawberry and lemon curd. The kind lady there suggested trying the garage at Lower Basildon for biscuits. Great idea! It no longer has any Paterson shortbread left.
I returned to complete the icon- omega cock up will need sorting. Phew!

Next I relaxed! Then I picked up T and we visited the barber so he now looks less tramp like. Didn’t have to wait. I had forgotten my phone so we dashed home to pick it up before going to do George’s birthday stuff. Moulsford was awash with water – rivers of it, flash flooding, yet there was none in Streatley/ Goring. The drop in temperature where rain had fallen was very noticeable.

I suppose there is a purpose to helpfully blocking off the pavement in Goring. But the purpose was not clear to me. ⬇️Pedestrian assassination maybe?

We were too early at the Illis due to events of which I was not forewarned, so we sat awhile at the Swan, where we were besieged by every toddler in the area. That was grim. For us. And noisy. For everyone. But the sitting was very pleasant.
We enjoyed a cuppa with the Illis, who have erected their swimming pool, which is slowly warming up. G seemed pleased to be recognised in iconic form wearing Leeds United football kit though Alex felt the Nerf gun weaponry, which replaced the long sword / spear, was a bit sacrilegious. The scale is interesting!
As we left the Illis after delicious chocolate fudge cake, I noticed the clouds seemed to be up to no good once again.

Someone caught yesterday’s effort on film. ⬆️
Fun at playgroup…

One clear reason we visited the barber.
Thought for the Day

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