When I woke up, the sky was clear and blue, yet the day hung heavy. And I didn’t really feel moved to get up. I had woken quite late around 07.00.
Just one of those days …
Eventually, and rather late, I pottered to our local Rec with H. This is not a walk that appeals to me because of the pavement walk to get there. H has somewhat limited freedom because she fisappears off to forbidden freedoms, the thickets of woodland the wheat fields, the school field, never mind the fact she goes hunting for crumbs by the swings or the pavilion. We returned.
I ambled around, disregarding my list of domestic chores. And setting out the garden furniture so I could recline and enjoy it. This is what I did, falling asleep for a chunk of time. T, meanwhile was up and about. So I fed him a sandwich, and suggested for the umpteenth time that putting dishes and mugs in the bathroom sink was not a good idea.
The next week heralds real warmth by next weekend. Perhaps I need to try and get H out early as I did when we had Minnie.
But I just stodged my way through the day. The summer seems to stretch ahead interminably. Usually we have something booked to look forward to. Home is easier without any doubt. This time last year we had a week in Mati booked and several weeks in Crete.
Somerset was quite hard work. But very enjoyable. It is wearing being with T all day long – explaining and re-explaining; taking him to the loo; deflecting requests for cups of coffee.
But at least, when away, there is no kitchen, worktop food bin for him to prop the lid open. We are back to a stink or rotting food, flies and doubtless maggots. That’s what happens when you leave the food bin lid open all night. I was reminded this morning.
Thought for the Day

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