Decent sleep passed me by. No cleaners visiting for the foreseeable future, so I had to get up and reintroduce the Miele to the world, fire it up, mow the carpets and then do a bit of cosmetic cleaning.
I took H down ferry lane at Cholsey which was tussocky and, therefore, so hard on the ankle, I almost turned it. And it almost turned me. It was such a beautiful morning – sunny and warm. Later the car read 27C sitting in the sun. But it was really about 20C.

It was lovely seeing Andrew again – once I knew he was on his way from Kidlington, I booked a table at the B and W.
Haven’t been for ages due to increased costs. But we must patronise them – their takings are taking a huge hit due to the roadworks. The landlord said he has 8 booked in for this evening- usually he has 60. He is losing thousands per day.
But they still do sandwich lunches for £10, which is wise given inflation, but must also be attractive to walkers etc. However, we went for the pricier option.
The landlord said he will not get any compensation, despite having professionals investigating his losses etc. Right through the busiest season too.
It was just lovely by the river – peaceful and warm – very relaxing. So, for Tony, last weekend was spent with a university friend and today a school friend.

It was mid afternoon when Andrew left us for his home in Guilford. After he left, the inevitable happened. Maybe I should just accept an afternoon nap as part of regular routine now. And time it for about 45 minutes. Andrew was saying he also loses part of his afternoons.
Once awake again, T was raring to go out but I had to put him right! He forgets he has spent a chunk of the day enjoying the river.
I have read about dreadful floods in Emilia Romagna – the yellow flooded section is exactly our route through Italy to Ancona. It is a province with which we are very familiar.

This made me sad because we know the route and places along it very well. Marche area was badly flooded just after we passed through in the Autumn, and again now. Ancona is in Marche. I can’t believe I’ve travelled for the last time. It’s very very hard to accept.
Thought for the Day

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