Life was was merely ‘not quite so difficult’ until I heard the bad news that the cleaners will not be doing their fortnightly visit until the roadworks are finished. We all know that is in 6 weeks. The clean team come from Theale and have no easy way of getting here other than by the 9 mile diversion which I tested earlier today. My understanding is with them, my extreme annoyance is with the stupidity and organisation behind the works.
I didn’t sleep that well because my brain was busy fussing over all sorts of other stupidity that should not be troubling me. Things happening over the next few days, people I had expected to hear from but had not. Eg Andrew.
I eventually discovered that gmail had shut me out wanting me to log in afresh, after I had had to upgrade storage. That meant finding the correct password etc. So for about 24 hours, my gmail account was frozen.
I rummaged around in LastPass and found the relevant password and all appears to be well once again. Including a missing message from Andrew.
I took H for an early trot round Streatley Rec. My Big Idea is proving correct. In order to avoid the dastardly roadworks, if you live on the wrong side of them, people are parking their cars at the Rec and walking from there to work/ shops/ the station etc.
It was a beautiful summer morning with very dewy, wet grass. It gave my trainers a good clean but seems to have filled the car with half the field.
I returned to get T up and to Daycare and I went off to paint a very bad painting. Landscape. Hmm. But it was nice sitting outside.

After my dutiful 3 hours with paint, since I was on the Goring side of the river, I went to the surgery to drop off the council tax reduction form for a signature. A doctor’s signature is required. I was warned by the nice dementia advisor that they would expect T to be named as payer of counciltax by the local authority. There is a blindingly obvious reason why he is not named. When will people in authority ever get their heads round dementia? More bureaucracy to deal with.
It was a 9 mile diversion from the surgery to our house. To visit the Illis it would be 10 miles. I measured it.
I returned home for a slug or two of celery soup.
and then picked up T.
The reduction in traffic on the Moulsford side of the river is very marked, and today I noticed a marked increase on the Stokes side.
The remainder of the day passed peacefully.

Looks as though T will not be wanting any supper tonight.
I spent a little while researching a potential art project, possibly based on giving Greek icons a modern twist. I find icons really interesting and used to enjoy working on them with children. Somewhere, we have a collection of them – in the loft probably. Icons, not children.
I am hoping we will get to the Beetle and Wedge for lunch today. It is a while since we have been due to all the inflation that is going on. They have posted a notice on face book… in extremis.
A little shoot of hope has been offered to help me get to Newbury next week.
Oh well, at least I only have to tidy up for Andrew, and not for the cleaners.
Thought for the Day

I want to have a go at gilding
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