I did not have a good night, falling deeply asleep the evening before did not help. I awoke to come to bed and stayed awake which was annoying.
I therefore started to fill in a blue badge application form for T. I know it varies from one local authority to another as to how easy it is to get one. In Oxfordshire, it is tricky apparently. Kent however, easy peasy. Unfortunately, we do not live in Kent.
I filled in all the answers I could and then studied the paperwork evidence they required me to upload. It gave me a headache so I put it aside until morning…
Morning arrived…
A utility bill in T’s name with current address. No chance – they were all put in my name when we moved. In the end, I got an online bank statement with our address on.
A passport photocopy – tick-
Photo- tick- though why? They have the passport pic
2 pieces of medical evidence – tick tick. Though one has the wrong address crossed out.
It took ages to sort that lot out. Yes I already had, and could make various screenshots, but they are scattered so I had to remember dates. But now… there is a nice new album under construction where such important info is resting.
I also had a very long phone call as part of a carers’ assessment. This provided me with helpful information and advice and with £300 which is for treats for me. Eg a weekend away somewhere. I have been warned that to claim council tax discount I need a doctor’s signature and T’s name on the council tax form. No chance of the latter since that was another thing I changed when we moved. Why? Bleeding obvious innit? If you have dementia, the last thing you can organise is paying any sort of bill. FFS- I think they hope you will lose the will to live.
And I know perfectly well I have a pack of new envelopes somewhere. Somewhere. Where though?
So of my admin chores, few are finished or posted but my fingers are crossed that I’ve done enough to get by. Just need to be nice to a doctor to get the form signed. And find some envelopes.
I thought I had climbed the mountain, and reached the summit so allowed myself to fall asleep. The alarms failed me and I woke up with two minutes to spare to collect T.
This meant battling my way through primary school children and their misguided parents, some of whom were parked in naughty places.
Earlier this morning, long before all this nonsense overwhelmed me, I set off with H to Castle Meadows, but a strange van was parked in the turning circle and it wasn’t going to move. I’m not sure if it was to do with Earth Trust but people were hanging around it’s back end. I pointed out they had a choice to move or to be run over as they had blocked the turning circle and now, turning my car round would be tight, and their presence was not helpful. (I think the blue badge rigmarole had set the mood for the day. ) They were handling strange sort of wooden crutch like things. Some work or protest group? I have no idea but I gave up all idea of walking there due to the overwhelming amount of mud in the lane. And this strange population.
H and I retreated to Cholsey layby walk which was no better and I gave up after a short walk because, by now, time was running out and I needed to be home for the phone call.
Frustrating .
I have described my admin woes and almost not collecting an anxious T. And I returned home to complete the sleep that was so rudely interrupted. But that didn’t happen.
The rain had tumbled from the sky throughout the later part of the day and the grass is glaring back at me through the patio doors, as I will it to stop growing. But it is looking less weedy and I can’t see a single dandelion. Maybe weed and feed is beginning to work.
We retired early. And sleep came easy. A day out beckons tomorrow which means a good walk for little H. Need to be back by 11.00.
Thought for the day

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