Not Painting Peonies

The weather forecast was correct in its promise of rain. The day started wet and carried on wet. In fact, it did not start well at all because the night had been another disturbed one.
I struggled to get up, and, it being an Art day, I needed to get H out for a quick early walk. Flexing did not help my mood and I struggled a bit more.

Unfortunately, it was only spitting as H and I dawdled round Streatley Rec – We narrowly avoided a soaking, just became a bit damp. Actually the dawdle became a sprint. Almost. Due to the wet. H was not impressed.

I had about half an hour at home before departing for Abingdon. I like to have a bit longer before departing.

But, shock! Horror! T had decided to get up. I was practically begging him to get back into bed. The last thing that I needed was for him to be up during my 5 hour absence, feeling bored. I could feel trouble ahead. He wouldn’t even be able to amuse himself outside due to the weather. As usual, my pleas were ignored and he reminded me that he was perfectly capable of deciding what he wanted to do for himself. With that ringing in my ears, I left.

The journey was straightforward and I was there in very good time. On my way there, I regularly listen to the Life Scientific on Radio 4. This half hour session features some prominent scientists and their raison d’être. Today’s scientist was a Cardiff professor, dementia researcher with 30 years experience in the field. Very interesting.
Life style choices can number among the other main reasons.

I wonder…

She also ran through the genetic aspects and the fact that dementia is often present 10-15 years before any memory issues show up. This is because it starts as the brain starts to die. The apoe gene also seems to bear some responsibility.

Well never heard of the Apoe gene before.

We were supposed to be painting peonies in acrylics using any technique we wanted so I decided to use impasto. My peonies became dahlias according to another painter, and blown roses according to another. How rude! Just because their peonies all looked like peonies. An mine didn’t. Well, in my opinion, theirs looked a bit like peonies. A few of them.

My not peonies

This was our last practical painting session. Next week is mounting our work for the exhibition. I think they hold these exhibitions to advertise as much as anything. I have enjoyed this course but am going elsewhere after Easter. Something different.

The journey back was through poodles and floodles. T had retreated back to bed but needed to shake a leg because Debs came to give our feet the full works. I can’t recommend such foot works enough.

I offered him home made soup but he merely toyed with it. And with his supper later. Probably something to do with the half empty packet that once contained 4 hot cross buns.
We had an early light supper because the soup had been a quick fix. I had mash with edamame beans and peas and green beans. It’s an easy go to without too much fiddling.

I may then have dozed off, but only briefly, thank goodness. I awoke in time to catch up with Alan Carr and his enjoyable Interior Design Masters and then another episode of Anton and Gio rollicking around Sicily. That is amusing and light hearted. T can cope with both. Design – that’s an interesting concept.

Thought for the Day






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