
A bit of a silly night because my watch was misbehaving.
In the dark, it donned an unusual watch facial appearance , and it would not cooperate or change it. Or only temporarily, until I put my arm down and it changed back again. The watch gave out a single instruction: to turn the Digital Crown to unlock. Yea right! Turning that made no difference. Nor would the watch allow me to reset it. Trying that just led it to it threatening me with ‘emergency services within ten seconds.’ That scared me! I carried out internet research which did not help either.
Fed up!

But then… I switched ‘sleep’ off, and normality was restored. ‘Normality’ has always previously included my usual watch face overnight, with, once activated by the passcode, all the usual services available. Today was different. I’m wondering if it’s to do with the recent update. Or if it was just ‘one of those things’.

Anyway, I fell asleep again for a while, but still arose for a hot drink around 05.00. And T got one too. Thereafter I performed the usual early routines and took H out for a quick walk around Streatley Rec.

The day had started off dull and wet, but during our twenty minutes at Streatley, the sky slowly cleared and there were long shadows.But the improvement did not last long. It was soon raining again, setting the pattern for the day.

I was at Abingdon ridiculously early. The road works traffic lights, just outside Wallingford, were back again yesterday, causing long hold ups. So I allowed extra extra time for today’s journey. But today the traffic lights had been removed, and the rest of the journey was smooth. So I whiled away quite a few minutes in the car.
Marguerite was busy setting up the room with equipment and materials, which is what she always does. We knew there was a possibility that Helen, our teacher, might be late, but, it transpired she was not coming today. Her dog had died suddenly yesterday – at the age of 6 1/2. The whole family was in turmoil and she needed to be with them.

So we early arrivers, helped Marguerite with the preparation. She is a great soul, kind, with a lovely sense of humour. Of black African heritage via France. And it is Marguerite who holds the franchise. And she does a good job. There is a fair bit of admin / organisation every week.
The organisation of the lesson is the same as art preparation in a primary school. It used to take me all my lunch time. And the clearing up was often not great, depending upon how close to the end of the day I kept the children working. The clearing up process was never straight forward or easy. At least we adults do not disappear and misbehave in the toilets.

Waiters and ambience/ atmosphere was the focus. I had watched the tuition video at home. The photos on offer were not that useful so I did my own thing …

The photo I used on which to loosely base my painting
The start
Still work to do but time was up. I made lots up! Including glasses and bottles. Artistic licence.

I reimagined the photo, by moving people around and by changing the name and I will redo the lettering in French font.

The end of the demo

I arrived home and found T up on his feet. That was not a good sign.

It took about 2 seconds for me to experience severe and, nowadays, rare rage. He had completely drowned the little orange tree, Pen had given to me for Mother’s’ Day. Woven rope pot and all, he had dumped the whole thing in a sink full of water and left it there.
The pain, yes pain, such actions inflict on me still makes me very very angry. It’s the sort of behaviour I cannot abide. Pretty much like when he is going through the fridge which I can hear is happening now.

‘He can’t help it’ – yes he bloody well can. Leaving things alone would help. As would minding his own business. I have said before that his time at Daycare reduces stress because I know things are not within his reach.

Jacket potatoes and salad made a welcome lunch for both of us. T, wisely, remained out of my way for the afternoon.
Now he is busy causing chaos in the kitchen. At least I can re-sort it whilst he is at daycare tomorrow. I can hear the taps are on full so it’s floor and work surfaces shower time. Puddles of water everywhere.
I’m now turning into Victor Meldrew. I just don’t believe it!! He has put my little plant back in water. I hope it’s a fighter!

I may have had a little snooze, which is what I do to shut out out something distasteful.

On a more cheery note …

Thought for the Day


Well – there you have it …. Now you know.






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