Coffee Out

I can’t remember how well or how badly I slept. But it can’t have been that bad, except we had hot drinks and toast around 05.00. My sleep data indictated I had slept for one hour and a bit. But, thankfully, that is not the true or the whole story because I was not wearing my watch.

Anyway, with a little difficulty, (not easy like last Wednesday) I eventually dropped T at Daycare and H and I set off for a walk at Castle Meadows. It was not sunny. It was grey and spitting by the time we returned to the car.
I was watching a dog, who caught my eye because she reminded me of Sasha. I had registered that this dog appeared to do its own thing, regardless of what it’s mistress wanted, wheeling around in large and distant circles.
Whilst I was doing my contemplating on my special contemplation bench/log, enjoying the birdsong, a gentleman approached asking if I had seen a large dog that was out of control. I didn’t immediately connect the dog in his question to the dog I had seen earlier, then I realised that they were one and the same.
As he departed, I saw that very dog disappear into a fenced off mound of ruins which are surrounded by a thicket of tangled trees and various warning signs. The dog was not to be seen for at least 20 minutes and it slipped from my memory. It’s mistress plonked herself on another distant bench.

This is a bench I rarely use due to its proximity to the dangerous delights within the clump of trees. Too much temptation.

H and I walked on. The dog’s pet human gave up waiting and plaintively blew her special dog whistle to no avail. She disappeared out of my sight, and at almost the same time, her dog appeared into my sight. And looked around for something familiar to lock on to. I made nice noises at it, but it ignored us and headed towards the water meadows. Somewhere down there it became reunited with its hapless ( hopeless) human and they were seen walking towards Crater Lane together.

I brought our walk to an end just as the damp air was becoming persistently damper.

Waitrose was next on the list as our fresh vegetable stock was doing well, but we were out of fruit. So I stocked up.
H and I returned home with three summer plants (one lupin and two orientale poppies) and the other shopping, to do a few domestic chores. And watch the news as danger zone approached.
I was only just relaxing into danger zone when Ali rang to suggest meeting for coffee at the Oxshed. Which we did, once I had regained consciousness.

T emerged from Daycare with a lovely flower arrangement which he did not remember arranging.
It has not taken him long to find the grapes.

My lunch had consisted of some mashed potato and frozen peas with a smoked mackerel fillet. I had had a stunningly clever idea to simultaneously defrost and cook the peas along with the mash in the microwave. Well… the idea may have been good, reality was slightly different. Frozen peas taste as it says on the label. Like frozen peas. I know that now. But, not all of them were frozen. A few were quite hot. Ish. All the potato was hot. Odd that.

I caught up on the McGuiness family story of the three children and Christine with autism. Paddy really struck me as a wonderful Dad. I shall see him with new eyes. During this, Christine came to terms with her own autism ( and decided to divorce Paddy) She masks it well. And I have learnt a LOT! They are continuing to live together as a family for the sake of their children.

The evening was passed with T enjoying the Red Nose Day goings on.

A man, a sandwich and Red Nose Day

Though for the Day






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