A reasonable night, only disturbed by T leafing through his photo book. For some reason or other.
We were awake around 05.00, so an early brekkie was on the cards. A good imagination was required, owing to empty cupboards, but a further raid of our Christmas presents found a Christmas cake that was saying, ‘Eat me.’ Fruit is always good for brekkie.
Daycare for T today and he got himself up without much fuss, and in good time. I hardly dare hope, but I think this getting him up business is becoming easier. I had a busy morning in front of me.
After dropping T off, to a heightened health check for entry to day care, H and I went for a walk at Little Wittenham near Days Lock. We haven’t been there for a while because I feared there would be a lot of mud. I was not Wong! But we laboured our way around it, across uneven and bumpy grass and H appeared to enjoy the wild space. And the other dogs who came to say hello.

Lidl was next on the list. I mostly needed items like fruit and veg where Lidl excels in quality and price. So today was quite successful. But I didn’t really want to buy the huge bag of carrots that occupies half the fridge, even though it was – 69p. 3 or 4 carrots would have done! They even had a supply of my favourite brown bread. But I bought a lot of items whilst I was there, breaking all my resolutions about only shopping for two days provisions at a time.
Then I had to drag all six quite heavy carrier bags into the house.
Before unpacking, I was determined to do the rubbish for collection tomorrow. Of course nothing was in the correct bin but I lost the will to sort it. So the black bin was trundled up to the front. And the food bin. And house bins cleared. T can’t put the bins out – it is not even worth asking him as he doesn’t understand which bin, or what and where the alleyway is. And I can’t seem to get across that different bins contain different rubbish and are collected different weeks. Sadly, he thinks it is all a load of nonsense anyway.
By the time I had unpacked the shopping, the dishwasher was expecting my attention. As was the sink full of dirty dishes – also expectant. So they replaced the clean dishes which I put away. And then I grabbed a snack.
Phew! Almost time for a sit down. And about an hour to go before I had to collect T. I suspected my eyes might droop so I set every alarm I could think of on watch and phone. Very prescient of me. And an alarm did wake me. And another and another and then I was in the car driving to Cholsey to the persistent accompaniments of all the various alarms through the car speakers.
T had been a good boy as far as I could see. They are being quite rigorous checking people’s health at the Day Centre. They always measure temperatures anyway. Many of the staff were ill over the holiday.
I had a long chat with Brenda. We are meeting on Monday. She continues to soldier on with painful knees and back.
The evening passed ending with a new episode of Death in Paradise.
It is Epiphany today and it is Christmas Day in Ukraine tomorrow – 7/1. Our thoughts are with the people out there, and our Ukrainian friends in Nottingham.
Thought for the Day

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