What a peaceful day. Have not spoken to anyone or seen anyone, but have received a Happy New Year Text or two family and friends. Felt quite isolated really. And not even poxy.
The night was another disturbed one or one that never really got going because I could not get to sleep. So I awoke at peculiar times.
It was another dismal and wet day, which eventually dried up enough for me to take H out and not get soaked.
T eventually arose. That is two days in a row. On Wednesday, he will need to be up much earlier than mid afternoon, because Day Care starts again.
I didn’t do much with the day apart from walk H and make and eat soup which I prepared from various vegetables lurking in the fridge, and a few handfuls of peas from the freezer. I have felt overwhelmed by fairly rich food we have eaten of late. Soup was refreshing.
Everything out and about was closed today apart from very small shops. So Wallingford was very quiet.
Castle Meadows was grey and slippery underfoot. And presented a brooding and grumpy atmosphere. Although H had an initial run around, she stayed close. Apart from when she was taunted by the squirrel. The one that ran along the bare branches back and forth. H takes squirrel duty seriously but is handicapped by her inability to climb trees to give chase.

The cattle were not obviously in residence but their pats were. Big and sloppy. Lots of them.
Various people I know, or have met recently, seem to have been incapacitated by ‘the virus.’ For some, it has been Covid, for others true flu, and for the rest a poorliness. Bring back natural immunity! We will all be the better for it.
it’s been a day of not a lot. Minor chores but my heart is not in them because T comes along and messes things up.
My least favourite chore is first thing in the morning when I am greeted by an almost-overflowing sink full of dirty dishes swimming around in cold, greasy water. This is T’s way of tidying up the previous night, by not loading dishes into the dishwasher. The water was probably hot when he started off. It’s greasy because the fairy liquid bottle was empty. Given the opportunity, he uses half a bottle of washing up liquid at a time. If the water is not greasy, it is green because of the half bottle he has just used. I get any sleeves I am wearing, wet, as I grope around for the plug. It’s all fairly disgusting.
A dose of Call the Midwife rounded off the day nicely. We are in 1968 now, 3 years before we got married, almost within touch of history. Enoch Powell has reared his ugly head. We almost seem to back in the racial tensions of those days. Now.
I need to revisit Happy Valley. My concentration was disturbed.
Thoughts for the Day
A new year doesn’t come to change your life. It comes to remind you that one more year has gone and you’re still the same useless moron who thinks he can make his resolutions come true!
NOTE: pronoun ‘he’ – obviously written by a woman. Needs to use gender neutral language. Maybe.
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