Well it was another of those nights, with a cuppa around 05.30. It was a cold night. A very cold night. I had to get ahead of the game because the day was scheduled to be busy.
So H and I were out and about around 08.30. It was -5C. I was slightly underdressed. Considerably underdressed even.
I walked out at Cholsey. It was a very silly time to go for a walk because, not only were the roads were very icy, but also there was an unusual amount of traffic. Lots of it. School run I suppose. There were also a great many children, adults and dogs walking with determination across the Rec in the direction of the Primary School. Good on you Cholsey for all your walkers. It was quite slippery underfoot so care was required.

We did not hang around because I was cold. And i needed to get back.
I had offered Brenda and Val a lift to the carers lunch at Ball Hill, not far from Burghclere.
I needed to get T up and do something to the inside of the car so it was no longer like a skip on wheels. I’d already vacuumed it over a month ago after our return from Crete, twice with the Miele within a few weeks! Goodness, there is danger of me becoming domesticised and less sluglike! Or even slut like.
So the Miele and I did battle with the car carpet on the sloping gravel of our front parking and I even wiped the mud off the door sills. I placed a towel on the front seat where the de-icer had leaked. Didn’t want our passengers to think T was incontinent as they fought over the heated front seat. All was ready except for T who needed clothes. Predictably, he had tidied away my choice of clothing for him, including his Christmas sweater.
We tried again and set off via the filling station. I had tried to fill up yesterday and again earlier today but too many others were cramming themselves into the forecourt so I had given up. Posh cars driven by wealthy parents of boys at Moulsford prep. Cranford House has broken up so I don’t know why Moulsford is still in action. These boys need their long holidays.
We headed for Newbury, gathering up our passengers en route, arriving at the Yew Tree in good time. Lunch was very pleasant – there were 8 of us in total, including the two spare men. Plenty of laughs and lively conversation. It is marked how much T has deteriorated in his ability to converse since we met a year ago. Anthony, Marie’s husband is now much more able to initiate and hold a conversation. T cannot. Nor could he remember what he did for a living.
We returned our guests to their homes and stopped off at the Aldermaston gardening / gift / food emporium on our way back. Everything Christmassy was half price and there was lots of it – lighting items/ decorations/ cards/ paper / fake trees etc etc. T kept muttering what a rip off it all was- and he was almost certainly correct. I bought a few gifts for Ali’s in-laws, amongst other people, who we will be seeing on Saturday.
And then we came home, watched TV, and I fell asleep. No Traitors today so Eleanor and I remain on tenterhooks. World Cup interfering again.
Now England are out I have no further interest. And, yes Harry Kane, it was your fault though everyone says no one person is to blame.
Thought for the Day

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