Another 04.00 awakening whereupon I did some shopping and performed other useful online chores. And then went back to sleep. It must have been the relief of getting them done that helped me sleep.
I whisked T off to Daycare and then whisked H round Cholsey Rec. I had a very rewarding conversation with the nice man who is a volunteer driver and brings the elderly to the Day Centre and takes children to their place of amusement.
He was a carer for his wife who died 20 years ago. Such a gentle chap, who is a few years younger than me, but who has wonderful understanding, including of how to be a good listener.
The morning was beautiful with blue skies, frost and long shadows.

Once home, I had a catalogue of chores to get on with – mostly to do with clearing T’s study of excess cardboard and boxes, including some that needed opening and unpacking. That card mountain went in the car, eventually, and I even rescued other excesses from the recycling bin.
And then there was 10kg of special Cretan salt. A lot of it is now boxed up in special ex-take-away plastic containers. The remainder rests in new plastic bags. I feel a few Christmas presents coming on – and then there is Terry to get some to. I await a message. It is now stored in our special shed. Along with various other items that were cluttering up the house.
From then, I took myself to the recycling centre at Crowmarsh, all of a ten minute drive away. Having got rid of a car full of cardboard, I then went to the Blue Tin (cafe) – a top place and farm shop. Best coffee and the raspberry Bakewell cake was pretty good too. I purchased a few items which might translate into Christmas gifts.

After all that, it was time to gather up T from daycare. As usual, he was ready to leave. The nice man that I chatted to this morning, told me T (and presumably some others) won the Christmas Quiz.
We returned home where T was restlessness personified. He has gone through the internal recycling bins taking out all sorts of packaging and scattering it over sundry work surfaces.
I’m annoyed – the cleaners are not coming tomorrow due to transport problems aka a clutch. This is very annoying. We have visitors on Saturday and I shall have to free up some of my time to do some cleaning. There are three of them. There is one of me. What takes them less than an hour, will take me three. Three hours I don’t have. They have been once since we returned home.
A quick taxi run taking Ali to Goring station completed the early evening.
The people on strike are increasing – border force over the Christmas Holiday. All those poor international travellers. As if Covid hadn’t done enough for the last two Christmases, preventing family gatherings, or making them tricky.
Thought for the Day

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