A pretty good night on our comfy new mattresses. I found a big box on the doorstep this morning. I think it might have been there all night. H had been a bit restless at one point the previous evening. But I hadn’t heard the bell ring. The big box probably contains our new electric blankets for the new mattresses. Our current heated blanket is far too small. I am not up to taking the bed apart alll over again. They can wait a day or two.
I may have made a mistake. These new blankets work in zones – you can choose which part of your body ( or all if it) that you want heated. Eg just your toes.
My mistake might lie in the fact that this might be too complicated for T, and I should have bought him a direct replacement, the same as our current system.
I awoke at the usual early hour; we enjoyed brekkie and then I drifted off again until about 07.30. T didn’t seem entirely keen to get up and showered before trip to Day Care. Not much hair left to shower!
Just as we were about to depart, the big boss boiler man rang up. He was asking me if I could do impossible things with things I didn’t know what to do with. Eventually, he realised he was talking to an idiot. And booked himself in for a visit on Monday morning.
In the meantime, our personal Nuheat family expert was helping from a distance. Between the two of them, we should be fixed on Monday. I have heard the word airlock mentioned.
H and I walked at Goring Sheepcot where an icy mist veiled the local landscape in its cloak of invisibility. H enjoyed a good run around when she realised I had treats with me. Then she decided to engage with a border collie and his ball so it was all good.
Goring surgery yielded my revised meds and the next door Goring hardware store enticed me within for lawn welder. Or even lawn weeder. And then I was distracted by various other temptations eg a window bird feeder. And then bird seed etc. This shop is amazing. It sells everything from knitting wool to spice racks to mortar.

I just had time to drop H and my shopping home before meeting Ali for lunch. We went to the Perch and Pike which was very busy with a large party having lunch. We were warned we would have to take the sandwich menu. What a menu! My plough man’s was the best plough man’s I have ever had! And the chutneys were home made and to die for. It was also vast! I was quite exhausted from all the energy I divested into eating it!
I’m ashamed to say that once I had retrieved T from daycare, I fell straight asleep until 18.00. The coming night might prove tricky.
When I was awake enough to be aware of the evening, I watched another episode of Traitors. On BBC1. It’s a reality show like no other. Recommended! No holds barred. A fascinating exercise in psychology. I’m up to episode 3 now. 3 more episodes next week. Cruelty knows no bounds! Claudia – I blame you.
Thoughts for the Day
Good on you Grace Dent.
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