Good sleep but my ankles were nibbled in the night. And are being nibbled now! Should have applied the lotion. Not huge noisy mosquitoes, but invisible pesky small invertebrates.
I was awake around 06.00 so waited patiently for daylight to arrive. And just before it did, I loaded H and myself into the car and we headed for Grammeno parking.
Just as I opened the car doors we were subjected to a major, but friendly assault by Isabella and Sasha. They were gone as quickly as they appeared. I didn’t know if they were coming or going. H was a bit overwhelmed and slightly growly and a bit slow to exit the car.
So we plodded up the promontory as the sun fired up the sky to the east. And no clouds .
We reached the tip of the promontory and as I fumbled for my phone, I saw three big dogs on the distant rocks.
They bounded up to say hello and H disappeared to say hello to Chris who was following the big 3.
Luis apperated out of nowhere.
We chatted a while, by which time Obi had joined the party, Hiera being the third big dog.
And then we returned to the car at a slow pace. My slow pace.
I emptied the car of T’s treasures – rocks, leaves, olive branches and returned via the supermarket where I acquired a few goodies. Vlisidis.

And then I swam for a while opposite Houmas. Just lovely.
Then followed brekkie in the sun on the balcony. And, predictably – a snooze.

T then had a bit of a meltdown when I pointed out showergel is not meant to clean toilets. Palmolive it was. But it is no more. and he denied doing it.
Once he recovered his equilibrium, which took a while, we went to Krios which was a bit of a waste of time . Never really understood the attraction of Krios! No alcohol free beer so T had a coke. That is a first.

T’s behaviour is becoming increasingly bizarre – from cleaning the loo with shower gel to gathering stones, to impatience in restaurants. Soon he won’t be going to any.
I have noticed that, recently, he expects instant attention, especially after a meal, when he wants a coffee. He starts to gather the plates to take to the kitchen. He is becoming increasingly vocal and irritable about poor service. Which is not poor at all. This is embarrassing.
After we returned from Krios, we went straight to the beach, where I swam without my goggles, T spent a while filling his pockets with another supply of stones. His shorts then started to fall down. Bleedin obvious innit!

It was good on the beach, at Houmas, only 2 or 3 other people. Warm. Very warm. Around 30C. Peaceful.
I showered the salt off, and, since there was no showergel, I did my best with a tiny soap tablet.
And then we had a tasty meal at Houmas. Early. And returned.

Next bit of bizarre behaviour was checking, repeatedly, all doors were locked. Despite me trying to explain the entry door was locked on the outside. But, because he could open it on the inside, T did not believe me. He then took the key out of the electric slot so all the lights went off, whilst trying to insist he was not responsible. Despite standing there with the key in his hand.
I am not sure whether all this adds up to another downturn in the Alzheimer’s spiral. I’ll be glad to get him home where it is easier for me to escape this nonsense. Also, I sometimes feel I am on the edge of a loss of control. Control of him and his confusion and incipient ill temper.
Thought for the day

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