Quite Tired

I had a decent sleep – we are gradually settling into the rhythms of life here in Grammeno.  So different from at home. Once more, I was glad of the blanket.  There was a mysterious rustling in the night, and come the morning, an all but empty packet of almond biscuits revealed the cause.  Some midnight / all night snacking by T.  All too easy for him.  

The morning was quite dark at 06.30 which made it harder to recognise the fact we had a visitor with a flashing green light. Quite low slung, but playing nicely with H. Luis was on an early morning call, silent but playful, he had clearly taken a diversionary route away from Chris and the remaining 6 dogs. 

Awaiting daylight

I lurked around until daylight fell, then set off across the sands with my two bodyguards. Isabella caught us up just before end of the promontory. And then abandoned us, to appear several minutes later with Chris and Sasha. Chris had been a bit careless with his dogs this morning, because not only had Luis gone walk about, but Oskar was also elsewhere. 

Where of the else being the mystery bit. 

There was quite a lot of ball throwing and ball hunting. Isabella had a go at Heidi because she had both balls, for a nano second. H was not too happy and stayed close by. 

We walked back in the golden sunlight. The morning was neither cold nor warm for me. Just right. Luis plodded back with us until he realised his game was up and who was really the boss. 

I went for a swim straight away across the bay to Houmas and back. The water was refreshing. And clear. But I still have to exit by Delino’s because the slope is easier. There were people out and about on the beach but they stopped shy of the water. 

Brekkie was next for T. But his midnight feasting left him disinterested. Unsurprisingly. 

I may have fallen asleep in the chair. If I did not, I’m not sure what happened to the morning. But an urgent call of nature disturbed my peace and I gathered up the bog bucket to execute the walk of shame to the toilettes and back. 

Anne texted and we arranged to meet at Houmas for a late lunch. It was all very twinkly and pretty. And busy. The main man and his sidekick greeted us like old friends. We have managed to reject raki on every occasion without an explosion from T. The zero beer is available everywhere that we have been, unlike Italy. His stomach has been settled.

He couldn’t manage to pay the bill at the restaurant despite having cash and tip in his hand. Anne directed him to the paypoint so I assumed that was that. But he had not left the tip and seemed to have too much change.

Looking towards Grammeno Beach from
Houmas Beach

I’ve felt tired and achey today. Old age I think. But my body clock won’t turn back for some reason or other.

Chris joined us for not tea, and a short chat. His sister and cousins arrive tomorrow afternoon for a two week stay.
I grabbed a quick 40 winks which is probably a mistake.

H enjoyed left over squid for her tea. Eaten with gusto with a few biccies added.

My larger water container has obviated the need to keep trekking back and forth with my 1.5L bottles.

Waiting for night

I expect it was someone’s birthday which triggered the short explosive firework session. H wasn’t too bothered but did shift herself to under the bench. The local dog population complained loudly. T said: Oh shut up!
Then 20 minutes later, it began again…So did the local dogs.

I am being bitten and so is T so it is time to retire.
I wonder if the green flasher will greet us in the morning.

Thought for the Day

For Luis

Find us he did! No hiding place from Luis! Not even in les toilettes.






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