First Day

A difficult night with T not understanding the purpose of the bog bucket. Very tiresome. I found it outside the cabin in the middle of the night. H had also taken the opportunity to scarper, so she may be attached to something for the duration, tonight. I needed to find her.

I was very disorganized with only one shoe that I could find, no head torch, only a basic torchlight and no stick for the uneven ground. I stumbled out into the darkly silent campsite, whispering H’s name. She must have thought me very stupid!

Just as I was thinking / hoping she would return on her own, she came up to me from behind one of the vans. Since it was nearly 06.00 by now, I turned my attention to preparing myself for the walk.

That meant a trip to the car amongst other things to collect my stick, followed by a very important interview to conduct in one of the offices on the way back. It was a mostly one sided interview.

Once back, I could not find any sensible clothes to wear, so I stuffed myself into my swimming things, and eventually into my shoes, grabbed the stick and H and we wobbled our way towards the promontory. By the time I arrived, I was barely upright, a blobby sweaty mess, huffing and puffing on the slightest slope.

Chris was on his way out there, on his second walk of the day, serene and unsweaty and how he managed to keep a straight face as he saw me, is a mystery to me. Kindness and patience prevailed.

But – as for Heidi, her relationship with Isabella and Sasha is not quite best friends, but friendly. That is a big relief to me because she was not very nice to Zora a few years ago.

At least H had a decent walk which included running around, if only to avoid the games Sasha and Isabella were playing

I managed to make it back to the beach where I was distracted by the sea which would relieve me of my sweatiness. And it did. I swam in my ‘waterproof’ shoes and had brought goggles anyway. I ‘induced’ H to take a little swim. There was a some resistance but it was fairly mild. And then she was attached to a sunbed.

Wet and sandy, we returned to our cabin via the beach shower.

Chris brought us bread for brekkie and we had some almond cakes as well as coffee or tea. He had a chat with Tina who had met his niece, Sophie, a few years ago.
Getting up and doing nothing apart from a grown up swim ( except for T) comprised most of the morning.

And then we were off to Anydri where we had a pretty decent meal. Delicious really. The view has not changed. Our reserved table had the best view. Thank you Anydri.

Lunch with a view
Ancient olive tree
There are olives this year

After eating, we returned to Grammeno and bade farewell to Aspassia and Tina for them to return to Chania. Aspassia says I am the best of drivers!

I fell asleep for an hour or so. T got lost returning from the loo and someone – probably Janne – pointed him in the right direction. He is resistant to using the bog bucket- in the cabin. I think I might lock us in there tonight to avoid him getting lost and to keep H safe.

The evening drifted pleasantly by as I tried to make meaningful conversation.

Mostly explaining the bog bucket, why H has to be tied up, the location of his beer, how the camping light works, how pretty the flashing lights are, how to spray the insect spray etc etc. And other erudite matters.

Thought for the Day






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