Not waking up

114km – a mere hour and a half behind the wheel

Ancona is within reach

The trials of the three flights of stairs and broken down lift, ensured a really solid night’s sleep from which I did not stir before 07.00. Then it all came back to me… unless by some miracle the lift had been fixed, I had T, a dog, two wheelie bags and H’s bag, a rucksack and a weighty handbag to get down the three flights to the car. And brekkie came into it somewhere.

H crossed her legs until we were ready to go. We trundled our way down the stairs, eventually, and I brought the car closer to receive our luggage, whilst T took H for a wander. But even that was almost beyond his capabilities. They went as far as the nearest tree.

As I was putting the bags in the boot, T proudly unloaded the contents of his pockets for me to deal with. The pockets held the contents of the mini bar. 3 cans of beer or soft drinks and three bottles of water. I had already had enough of the day. The thought of taking them back up the 3 flights of stairs defeated me. I would return them to reception. Along with my lift complaint.

Brekkie was like every Italian brekkie – a choice between sweet or savoury. I dumped a mixture on T’s plate.

At Reception, whilst checking out, I tried explaining my great displeasure concerning the lift. I had got rid of T on the pretext of H needing him, whilst I dealt with my complaint. I also intended to point out the bath and the bathroom floor were dangerously slippery. I had also wanted to explain that he had Alzheimer’s (minibar confusion) But there was total non – comprehension from the Receptionist. It would all have to go in an email.
The bathroom floor is very nice polished marble, but, if wet it is lethal. The spa bath was as bad if wet, which it was after T had used it. I gave up trying to get a purchase with my feet. It all looks very whizzy but it is dated equipment.

We only had a short drive today -just over an hour. It finished with another fraught exchange at a toll, between FBL and T as he tried to stuff money into the pursed lips of the slot. She, it was a ‘she’ voice, got louder the longer it took him.

On the way, the amount of traffic travelling west was quite extraordinary – it seemed to be one long jam, all the way from the coast to Imola and beyond. The end of summer, I guess. Everyone is going home from the Coast.
We also passed a nasty accident , where police had just arrived. An upturned smoking Swiss car was lying on top of a vehicle we could not see. It did not look good for the occupants.

I found my way to Baia Flaminia area based on my local knowledge from previous visits. It was too early to check in so I grabbed H, and dragged a whinging, moaning T along the beach for a walk. I was not at all sure that this was the dog friendly end of the beach due to a lack of obvious dogs. But then, if in the UK, I would not be walking my dog at this time of day. It was a pleasant temperature by the sea.

Stick heaven

T continued to whinge for the duration of the stroll. It was beautiful out there, sunny, with a breeze that roughed up the sea. Sitting on a rock, not overheating, in the sunshine just did it for me. Swimming things might have improved it. But thry were in the car.

Italy presents quite a problem for us. 0alcohol beer has not been available anywhere that we have eaten. I will investigate supermarkets tomorrow. I need to sort something for the boat.

T constantly wants something to drink beer or coffee. It puts me on a knife edge of uncertainty as to how he will react or if he will make a scene if he doesn’t get his needs met.

Drinking beer with alcohol just makes him behave in a silly way and say very silly things for which I feel responsible. Just one beer is enough. And I feel embarrassed. And angry.

But, let’s be positive, it is good to be here, checked in at Baia Flaminia. We have a lovely room with an additional large sitting area. And the bathroom is larger than a conventional bathroom and it is right by the glass lift, which is quiet.

It has been an awkward day. Most of this behaviour arises because he is in a fog of uncertainty.

But he likes the place.

During the afternoon, we had a bit of a rest, then T’s movements told me he was now restless and bored, so we stepped down and outside for yet more coffee.

Our conversations often go like this…

What are we doing? Where are we going? Why does H need a walk?

Most annoying T responses…

Get on with it then. If you say so. I’ve been ready for ages.

Anyway we whiled away some of the time with H, wandering around the local area, T drinking coffee, paid for with the sort of money that grows on trees.
We did find the most amazing ice cream cafe which will amuse him on another day.
I decided to make him independent and sent him to pay for our drinks. Now this was a challenge because the bill listed the items, but not the prices. T found this hard to get his head round. But you paid at the bar, where it was finally priced up.

We enjoyed the atmosphere until 19.00 arrived, along with service at the local restaurants. I couldn’t believe how empty they were. I’ve seen more people there in March or November. Our fish was very good.

Looking north

23.00 – I have woken hot and sticky because the windows are closed again. The alcoholic beer had a noisy effect on his digestion. Quite a bed time symphony. Too much information probably!

Not being in UK, and reading news from afar, leaves me feeling slightly detached. It must be very strange over there now. I’m glad the Queen’s funeral just avoids Fleur’s birthday. And I hope I do not regret not sharing the week of mourning. I doubt it somehow.

Thought for the Day






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