The Gathering of the Clans / Weddingbreak 2

Today, everyone has gathered together for Rupert and Yoko’s big day tomorrow.

I awoke at the usual 05.00 ish, just as daylight was trying to peep in through the curtains . Unlike yesterday, T is not finding it easy to get up today. He has managed to pull the shower alarm, so Reception rang to check we were alive. Blame the incessant tendency to fiddle. I was able to confirm that there is life.
Some considerable texting followed with family still in the UK, concerning arrangements for this evening. And a decision was not reached. It seems to be dependent upon whether we gather at Tina’s or make a nuisance of ourselves elsewhere.

It is now 18.30 .

A very lazy day when T and I enjoyed a chunk of time poolside, from brekkie to lunch. The sea was very very rough and the wind very strong throughout the morning. I can confirm that the sunbeds are very comfortable. The pool was the place to swim and I had it all to myself, more than once. It was very lovely.
There were very few people joining us. T toyed with his large print puzzle book. But the puzzles are quite tricky. We worked together on some – teamwork helps.

It is a shame he has ruined it now by going ‘off on one.’ No reason or reasoning .
He won’t swim. I’m not sure why. But at least I did not get the usual ‘I’m bored’ scenario. In fact, the day has been quite pleasant. Until now.

After all the exercise, I ordered us some drinks and some lunch. He downed the most enormous heap of tagliatelle arrabiata. Meanwhile more people had drifted down to be poolside, but it was never crowded. I suspect the single blokes were on a midday break of some sort. There were 3 or 4 such.
Once stuffed, we retired upstairs to let everything settle. And a snooze.

The Illis have arrived at their villa. The Roberts are en route there from the airport.

The sea has not had an attractive day. The wind has brought mountains of weed onto shore, which is now clumped up and beached. Much as it does at Grammeno. The sand has been stirred up and hangs in suspension turning the water an ungreek colour.


We are waiting to hear evening arrangements.
One of my ears is playing up. I hope it is not brewing trouble. Don’t want an infection.

Troubled waters… I am not sailing – that is
T’s lunch with celestial light
Suits me better –

The Roberts arrived at their villa around 20.00 to join the Illis who had pitched up early afternoon. They are all very tired, especially the Illis who have had a full on 3 days..

Tina remained intractable about going out for a meal somewhere. We suggested this because we felt that after 3 full on entertaining days and evenings, and a wedding tomorrow, she deserved a break. The girls tried to help, but they were not doing things properly, so enthusiasm waned.

In true Greek fashion, the best laid plans are going awry. The gardener did not turn up to cut the grass on Thursday. The tables did not turn up yesterday. Hopefully, the tables are for people to sit at and there are chairs to go with the tables. But I have a sinking feeling that the tables might be for a buffet.

There is no point in being inquisitive because mysteries mean power and R and Y have not been around to ask.

So last night was yet another very pleasant evening where the McGeorges and their kin were dominant. Just Vangelis, and Aspassia and the two Daves not being of pure blood. Myself too, I suppose.

Mostly newly planted since the fire
There is a fig tree, on the right, behind the oalm, which regenerated 10x after the fire.

Ali and Dave picked us up and returned us in their hire car, having swapped out a child.

T is holding up, but finding all the socialising very confusing. When we were dropped off last night, he again asked where we were and why. And was beginning to get a bit rattled.

The hotel is a great source of comfort to us. Easy living. An excellent choice.

Saturday morning. Wedding day update.

Looks like another fine day here in Mati .

Sunrise on wedding day

Thought for the Day

Maria Portokalos : Let me tell you something, Toula:
The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.






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